More shopping and meeting with the heart doctor.

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Brinley's POV: I'm almost 6 months pregnant now, and the pregnancy has just started getting a lot harder, but I thank god I have Brian with me almost all the time. He's the sweetest boyfriend ever, he's been making my food and cleaning the house up for me when I feel really bad, he gives me massages and always wants to rub my tummy and talk and sing to the baby, it's seriously the most adorable thing ever. I've never been treated so amazing before, Brian makes sure I'm happy and is willing to do just about anything for me. Today we're going to go shopping some more and Brian's mom wanted us to stop by her place so we could talk about planning a baby shower soon, which I'm really excited for. She told me the theme was gonna be a Cowboy theme and will be held in a barn on her property. We also have to meet with the heart doctor at the hospital so he can do an ultrasound and listen to the baby's heart beat, just to make sure things are going okay and so he has a plan in mind for when the baby is born, I'm pretty nervous and scared about it, but hoping for the best.

 Brian's POV: Today Brinley and I have a lot to do but I'm just glad to be spending the day with her before I have to fo back to playing some shows. I smiled as I walked into the bedroom and said "Bri, baby, you ready to go love? We can stop by the store first" Brinley walked out of the bathroom and said "I'm more than ready baby" I kissed her fore head and whispered "You look beautiful sweetheart" she was wearing a sparkly top that was a little flowy and showed off her baby bump really well and had on her favorite pair of jeans and some pink boots and grabbed my hat off the bed and put it on. I took her hand in mine and walked out to the truck with her and said "We'll get some more clothes and a few toys for the little guy" Brinley smiled big and said "That sounds good to me baby" and I helped her get up in the truck and get buckled in and I turned the radio on and started singing along as I pulled out of the driveway and started driving to the store.

Brinley's POV: I smiled as I listened to Brian singing along to the radio and I looked through my phone and uploaded a few pictures to Instagram and Twitter. I looked out the window a bit as Brian drove along. Once we finally go to the store Brian parked the truck and helped me out. I smiled as I held onto his hand while we walked into the store together and started looking around a little bit. I grabbed a few things of clothes for him and a couple of pacifiers and I smiled as I watched Brian looking around at everything, he had such a big smile on his face and looked so excited about getting stuff for the baby, I couldn't help but keep watching him. I picked up a few pairs of shoes for the baby and a really soft blanket and said "Awwww, Brian! look at this blanket, it has little farm animals on it. It'll be perfect for him" Brian smiled and said "Oh that matches the crib mobile I just found! It plays songs and you can record your voice on it too so it helps soothe the baby to sleep" I hugged Brian and kissed him and said "That'll be perfect baby, you wanna get a couple more things and then head over to your moms?" Brian nodded and said "Sure sweetie"

Brian's POV: After Brinley and I finished our shopping we finally decided to go to the front of the store and check out, once I paid for the stuff we walked outside and loaded up the truck and I helped her get settled in and kissed her forehead and said "Now let's go meet up with my mom and talk about that baby shower" Brinley smiled and said "Yay! I'm excited" after I got in I started up the truck and started driving out of the parking lot, I decided to take a few back roads since that would get us to my mom's quicker than the highway would plus Brinley sometimes gets anxiety when we get stuck in traffic on the highway and she needs to stay as calm as possible to have the best pregnancy she can.  After about tweny minutes of driving on the back roads I pulled into the driveway of my mom's house and shutoff the truck. I went around to Brinley's side and helped her out of the truck and held onto her hand as we walked up to the house and I knocked on the door. When the door opened I smiled and said "Hey mom!" and she hugged me and Brinley and led us inside the house and into the kitchen, Brinley sat down at the table with her and started talking about the baby shower a bit and I decided to go look around the house a little bit while they talked so they could have some girl time together.

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