Our little one.

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2 months later.

Brinley's POV: I've been staying with Brian ever since we started dating and I honestly don't miss my old apartment, or Michael. Brian has been the most amazing boyfriend ever and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I've been out on tour with him for almost a month now and the tour has been wonderful, Brian and Tyler have been doing so well and I'm so proud of them, luckily I've been able to finish my last few semesters of nursing school online and Brian has been so supportive. Today I'm five months pregnant and Brian is taking me to one of my doctor appointment's since it's his day off and the tour won't start back up till next week.

Brian's POV: I smiled as I left the studio after recording a song with Tyler and I grabbed the keys to my truck once I walked onto the bus and hollered "Bri, you ready babe? your appointment is in an hour sweetie" and I grabbed a water out of the fridge and smiled when she walked out of the back of the bus and hugged me and said "Yep I'm ready!" and I grabbed her hand and led her out to the truck, I had to help her up in her seat since she's gotten a little bigger it's hard on her cause her back is always hurting so much. After I got in and started the truck I smiled as I looked over at Brinley and said "You look so pretty today babygirl" Brinley had on a pair of jeans that were a little worn and faded and her shirt was a little tight and showed off her baby bump but it still looked so cute on her and she had on her favorite pair of boots.

Brinley's POV: I leaned back against the seat to relax a bit and I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started looking through my texts a bit and I watched as Brian drove to the doctor's, which is about thirty minutes from the venue we were at today. I smiled and said "You ready to see the little one Brian?" he nodded and said "Yes I'm so excited!" and he turned the radio on and "Anything Like Me" by Brad Paisley started to play on the radio, I got a little emotional because the song is beautiful and my hormones were out of whack. Luckily I have the most amazing man, who is patient and calm when my hormones make me go crazy.

Brian's POV: After the song stopped playing I had finally pulled into the doctor's office and I got out of the truck and helped Brinley out and we hurried into the office since we were a little late. I smiled as I looked at the lady sitting at the check-in desk and said "Hello, my girlfriend has an appointment with Dr. Haynes" the lady nodded and said "Go on back to room thirteen, she's waiting" I smiled and took a clipboard full of papers from the lady and walked on back to the room with Brinley and helped her up on the table and she pulled her shirt up some so the doctor could start the ultrasound and I held onto her hand the whole time and had my eyes fixed on the screen.

Brinley's POV: After awhile of hearing the baby's heart beat the nurse looked at Brian and I and said "Well, Mr. Kelley and Miss. Greene, would you like to know the sex of the baby?" we both looked at each other and instantly blurted out "Yes!" at the same time. The nurse giggled a little and said "Well congratluations, you're going to be having a little boy" I looked over at Brian and tears filled my eyes and I pulled him in for a kiss and whispered "A boy, we're having a boy!" Brian smiled big and started crying too and rubbed my tummy and said "Awww, hi baby boy. Daddy loves you so much, yes I do. We can't wait to meet you little guy" after Brian and I finished celebrating a little I saw the nurse's face get a confused and scared look. I bit my lip and said "What, what is it? is our baby okay?" and she shook her head a bit and said "Miss Greene, I..uh. I'm afraid your baby's heart is deformed. Meaning it will need an operation after birth" that's when my whole world came crashing down. An operation? my baby is sick? What did I do to deserve this.

Brian's POV: When the nurse told Brinley what was wrong, the happy tears quickly changed to tears of sadness and worry and I pulled her close and said "Shhh, sweetie. Calm down, let's just try to stay positive" Brinley nodded and I helped her off the table and the nurse gave us all kinds of papers about our options and what would happen during the operation. When we got back in the truck I looked over at Brinley and said "Babygirl, how about we go back to the bus and talk. We can go shopping for the little guy later on if you like" Brinley nodded and I started driving the truck back to the venue where the buses were parked and I texted Tyler at a stop light and said "Hey, can you join me and Bri on the bus in about fifteen minutes. We found out the baby's sex, but got other news...Bri isn't taking it too well, and I'm worried about her and the baby"

Brinley's POV: After we stepped back onto the bus Brian got some food for us and I was trying my best to hold back my tears and I grabbed my phone to look through my messages a little bit. When Brian brought me a plate of food I looked over as Tyler walked onto the bus and I set the plate down and said "I'll eat in a little bit, I'm not that hungry Brian" he kissed my forehead and nodded and started talking to Tyler about what was wrong with the baby and my heart kept sinking even more. I just wanted to have a healthy baby, but the best we can do is pray and hope the baby will do well after he's born. On a positive note, I picked the first name already. It's gonna be Brian, but Brian won't know till our little guy is born, I wanna surprise him.

Brian's POV: I hugged Tyler and said "Thank you, Bri and I appreciate all the help and support. We really do" and then Tyler smiled as he handed Bri a few gifts and said "Here, these are for you and the little one. I bought blue stuff since I figured it was gonna be a little boy, and I offered to help Brian decorate the nursery when you two pick a theme for it" Brinley smiled and got up to hug Tyler and said "Awwww! Thank you, I can't wait till we can get the nursery done. And I love the outfits, one of them could be his coming home outfit" I smiled as I sat down by Brinley and rubbed her tummy and Tyler stayed in the bus to watch movies with us and he made sure Brinley and I were feeling better.

COMMENT & VOTE PLEASE :) What do you think of the baby being a boy? and the bad news? Maybe everything will turn out alright :) keep on reading to see! Also, give me suggestions on middle names please? and a nursery theme? :)

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