Chapter Two

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It was noon and the Royal family of Weston awaited half the royal family of Roma. Then a servant came in tell them a carriage was coming.

The princes stood up and made their way outside. A beautiful carriage rolled up and stopped. When the people in the carriage stepped out both of the Princes of Weston were starstruck. In their minds they had seen the most beautiful being ever. But they weren't looking at the same person.

Anywho there were three people a nice looking girl with red hair and sky blue eyes, another girl who had black hair and light green eyes, and a man with black hair and dark green eyes.

The red haired girl said " Hi My name is Georgia." with a smile that made her look friendly.

The black hair girl said "Hello I am Rosebella but please call me Bella." with a very serious face.

The black haired man said "I'm Ethan" with a grin that made him look friendlier that Georgina.

" Hi I'm Nathan it's nice to meet you." Said Nathan who had blond hair and gray eyes.

His brother who was brown haired and grey eyed said " I'm Michael." Ethan frowns at Michael and so did Nathan. Why couldn't he better nicer Nathan thought while Ethan thought it's official this guy can't marry my sister he's too cold. Ethan remembers back to when the where young and she said that she want to marry someone friendly. He sighs and Michael raises an eyebrow

"Something wrong?" He questions.

"No nothing" Ethan replies. Both Georgina's and Bella's eyes widen Ethan had never acted like this before.

Georgina then asked " Do you have a library?"

Michael eyes lit up and he smiled " Yes we do, I can show you." The three guests were surprised by Michael's sudden change in attitude.
Nathan rolls his eyes and said "Of course up can show them you live in that library."

"Let's go!" Michael said excitedly.

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