Chapter Ten

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Michael was nervous. It was a fact. "If she doesn't like me this isn't going to end well." He thought worried. Oh I get it because if she doesn't like you she can sway Ethan to not like you. That would be bad because you and Ethan are my OTP. I'm sorry your what and I don't like Ethan. It means it want you to be a couple and I never said you did. You brought it up though. That's interesting. Very interesting. I'm sorry I thought I told you to leave me alone. You weren't bothered when Melanie did it. Michael was surprised then he turned angry, "How do you know about Melanie!" Your boyfriend found her diary. You have the power to. Cool! "He read her diary!" Well he did argue with my but I swayed him. Oh and don't kill him you guys didn't even go on your first date yet. It would be a shame. Michael inwardly groans. "Why can't I block you from reading my thoughts?" You have to know who I am. Is that why you're not telling me your name. No shit. "Why?" I can hear you thinking about Ethan and yesterday's kiss. It's too beautiful to lose. Well you do remind me of my sister so I guess we could be friends. Telepathic friends. Michael snorts and Bella look at him. Sorry.

Bella looks at Michael wishing that it was Nathan. I like you. "Really!?" Well the guys keep on denying their feelings. But I know for a fact that Michael and Ethan like each other. "And Nathan?" No doubt about it he likes you. "Really!" He was very happy with the fact that Michael didn't want to go with you on this picnic. By the way I told him to make friends with Melanie. "Why?" She's your best friend and he wanted to know more about you. Bella looked like she was going to squeal when Michael burst out laughing.

"What's so funny" she asked.

"I kissed your brother and you kissed mine." He said.


He looked at her smiling. "I think that we should tell each other about ou-"

"I'd rather not. I like your brother Michael and if I if learning new things about anyone it going to be him."

Michael laughs, "I like your brother Bella and if you let me finish you would have heard me say our brothers and not ourselves."

"Oh" Bella blushes embarrassed and looks down. Then looks up eyes wide, "You like my brother!"

Michael's cheeks turn pink and he rubs the back of his neck, "Maybe." More like totally.

They then reached the hill that they would have their picnic on and stopped their horses. Michael got off his horse and grabbed the picnic basket. He then helped Bella off her horse. She looked over a him. "I like that idea."
Michael look confused so she said, "The one about learning about each other's brother." Michael eyes lite up with excitement and Bella was amazed. She had never seen him have so much excitement. She was totally going to tell the embarrassing stories first. I'm listening.

Having the whole day to finding out about your crush from the person who knows them the best is awesome. Michael thought that the story of Ethan tripping on air and falling into a mud puddle was the funniest while Bella thought that Nathan falling of of his bed and landing in the splits was the funniest story. Bella happily learned that Nathan was good with a sword and loved the outdoors. Michael learned that Ethan loved reading with a passion and he was very happy about that. It was a good day.

The Two Princes and their GuestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora