Chapter Fourteen

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Nathan was shocked he hadn't seen his older sister in a year. He definitely didn't know about her telepathic abilities.

"Mel?" He thought again, not receiving an answer before.

Yes Nathan.

"Mother and Father said that you died!"

Siriusly did they really do that!

Nathan frowned that wasn't his sister's voice.

That's because I'm not your sister I'm-


Nathan was very confused now Georgia's voice was the one that said Kara's name. Also who the hell is Kara?

I am! Hi Nathan it's nice to meet you! Good talking to you again Georgia long time. Bella I can believe that you fell for Melanie's younger brother! Ethan you like guys! And to think you never told me. So rude. It's nice to meet you too Michael I can't believe Mel's twin captured the heart of my cousin!

Everyone could hear what she was saying.

Nathan was very happy in learning that Bella fell for him. But how did Kara know Mel?

Michael was happy too. He captured Ethan's heart! But cousin? How did she know Mel? And where did Mel go in this conversation?

Ethan was actually very annoyed at his cousin.
She just revealed that he fell for Michael. Thanks so much Kara. You are very welcome.

Bella didn't know how to feel her cousin who she hadn't seen in two years had started talking inside her head. Wait Michael and Nathan have   a sister! That would be me. Umm hi. Hello so you're the one that likes Nathan. Yes. I'm Mel it's nice to meet you future sister. Bella was puzzled for a moment she and Nathan weren't even together....yet. Then she realized that she was going to marry Michael. You do not want to marry my brother. I want to marry your brother just not your twin brother. Ah you want to marry Nathan. I'll see what I can do when I get there. Get here Bella thought but Melanie was gone.

Georgia had not seen or heard of Kara of Darlington for two years and suddenly she was here. Georgia had froze when she heard Kara's voice. Her heart had leapt for the person that stole it years ago. Georgia couldn't breathe.

Georgie! It's so good to hear you! It's be such a long time!
It's been two years.
Sorry about that Georgie I've been busy.
So what's Mel like?
Why don't you ask me yourself?
Hi Melanie
Georgia nice to meet you, I would love to talk but we have to go. See you soon.

"Wait!" Georgia thought frantically, "what do you mean see you soon?"

Greetings young mortal
Who are you?
I'm a friend of Mel's
What does she mean by see you soon
Well I think it's because we are coming to you

Georgia's eyes widened she had to tell someone.

No do not tell anyone
When are you coming
We will join you at the ball
What are you? You called me young mortal
I am a dragon
Oh because that's normal

Georgia then heard the laugh of the dragon

I look forward to meeting you young mortal.
You know my name, I don't know yours?
Eternity my name is Eternity.

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