Chapter 15

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Melanie was excited to see her brothers after a year away. She missed going to the firefly fields in the spring so hopefully they could go this summer. She changed into something new something powerful and she was happy for the first time in a long time.

Are you excited?
Kara opened her eyes, "I'm right here Mel you don't have to do that."
Mel laughed knowing that that would annoy her friend.

They were currently on the back of Eternity,
not far from Mel's palace.
"So are you excited to see Georgie?" Mel teased her friend.
Kara's cheeks became the color of roses, "Shut up." Then she looked sad, "She didn't like me then and she probably doesn't like me now."
(Ugh why are some people so obvious)
Mel rolled her eyes, "Right so you're just gonna give up," she then sighed dramatically, "shame I thought you were brave."
Kara pretend to be mad even though in the inside she was holding in laughter.
"You're so mean to me."
Both girls look at each other and burst into laughter.
"But really Kara if you don't ask you'll never know for sure."
Kara, knowing this, "Fine but if she rejects me you're gonna be my date for the ball."
Mel groans, "Fine," then a smirk comes on her face and she looks amused, "all or nothing."
Kara bits her lip to keep from smiling at the joke.

They all go to sleep, tired from the day. Nathan sits in bed wondering how he didn't know.
Both of his siblings and he didn't know.
We wanted to tell you
Nathan's eyes snap open
Hey I'm here too
True but I've been gone for a year so I'm more important
Nathan smiles remembering how happy they were when Mel was here. He missed the fake fights they would get into.
Sooo how's Rose
Her name's Bella
Not to me
Nathan rolls his eyes at that he forgot how stubborn she could be.
She's... great
Good nice to know that my twin brother's future wife is great
Nathan knew by the teasing voice that she purposely said twin brother instead of brother but I still made him think. He shouldn't be doing this, he shouldn't have kissed her, he shouldn't have fallen her, she's not for him.
So she likes you not me and as so as I become king I will make it so that you can marry anyone you want (with consent from both sides of course)
Nathan grinned he always knew his brother would be a great king, shame they had a couple years to wait.
You actually think I'm gonna let out father throw me in that place and not get revenge.
Please our father is going to die sooner than you think.

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