Chapter Twelve

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One year ago

Melanie sighed looking out into the forest from her balcony. Her parents wanted her to marry but she didn't want to be with anyone. She hated the thought of romance and having anything to do with it.

You okay? You ran out of here pretty fast.

Melanie laughed her brother was always there for her.

You know it

Hi Michael is she nice?

She's okay but I don't know


I don't think I like girls


Melanie was very interested in what her brother had just said.

Mel? Is that wrong?

No of course not. I don't like any gender.
Really I didn't know that

It's one of those things I keep locked away like you didn't with the not liking girls thing.


Well I hope I helped

You did I'm happy know that you are okay with me liking men. Thanks Mel you always know how to cheer me up. Oh mother is very mad you are not talking to your fiancé.

I don't care I'm not marrying him. It would be horrible. Everyone would want us to have children and ...

Melanie stoped she hate that thought even worst than being in a romantic relationship and that's saying something.

Oh sorry

It's okay good night Michael

Goodnight Mel
Melanie woke up and was instantly confused. Something wasn't right.
Melanie a person who rarely got scared was terrified but not for herself. For her family.
She got out of her bed, took her sword from its scabbard and walked out of her room, her shoulders tense.

Down the hallway she glided her hair flowing behind her, never stopping once, always aware and ready to fight.


The swords hit each other fiercely. Melanie saw herself looking into the pitch black eyes of her fiancé. He lowered his sword and frowned at her. "What are you doing out of your room princess it's dangerous."
She snorted and rolled her eyes. Then turned around, she had never lowered her sword. "I'm fine."
"How did you do that?"
She internally groaned. She started walking again. "Do what?"
"My father."
"But you're a woman." She whipped around her sword resting below his chin.
"A very powerful one." He didn't say a word and she lowered her sword back to a waiting position.

"Women aren't powerful they're weak and need men to protect them." The man thought idiotically.
Melanie's sword was back under his chin. "I don't need to be protected."
His eyes narrowed. "I didn't say that I thought it," his eyes widened, "You can read my thoughts."
Melanie sighed knowing the words that were coming next.
He then screamed, "Witchcraft."
"No it's not I just know you were going to think that because everyone thinks that." She lied.
He blushed, "Sorry."
"Of course a simple mistake."
Michael! Are you okay?
Yes I am well and so is Nathan.
Are you okay
Yes I am almost to the dining hall.
Be careful we'll be there shortly.
Melanie reached the door at the same time as her brothers, both holding swords.
They bursted into the dining hall to three thefts.
Suddenly everyone felt pain in their heads and dropped to the ground.
One the thefts closed the door.
"Well well well what to we have here."
The door flew off it's hinges hitting and killing one of the thefts.
Another had a arrow in his head.
The last one, the one that talked , got his neck slashed by one of the guards that had come through the door.
Her mother hugged her. "Are you okay?"
"Yes mother"
"Good." Then she turned to everyone, "We should meet back here at lunch when the place is cleaned up to discuss something I have been thinking of."
They all left to their rooms awaiting lunch.
When it came Melanie went to the dining hall quickly wanting to know the news.
When everyone was there they start eating.
Her mother had a thought and Melanie wanted to know what her mother had been thinking about earlier. So she listened in.
"When should I tell the twins that they are going to get married tomorrow?"
Melanie didn't think and, "What!? I don't want to get married so soon I met him yesterday and you want us to get married tomorrow!"
"I never said that." The queen said while she narrowed her eyes.
"She did that earlier " Melanie's fiancé put in, "Its witchcraft.
The queen then yelled, "Guards take my daughter to her room and servants get the carriages the prince and princess will be going home!"
And like that Melanie, Michael, and Nathan's life changed.

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