Chapter Seven

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When Bella and Michael walked into the dining  room together the Queen grinned. "Maybe this time I'll work" she thought hopefully. But Bella and Nathan went to the garden and you saw them kiss. The queen winced at the words. Nathan was putting himself in a bad situation if James found out...

Which is why she said, "Bella and Michael I decided that you two need to have more time together so I told the servants to prepare a picnic at noon." Both Ethan and Nathan frowned and thought. "Great."

Bella smiled kindly, "That sounds lovely Victoria." Victoria beamed at this comment.

"What about Ethan and Nathan." Michael asked wanting to see what they were doing.

"Ethan will stay here but will be able free to roam throughout the castle and Nathan will ride." The queen said.

"What about me?" A voice asked.

"You will join Nathan, Georgia." The queen smiled, pleased with this setup. Nathan and Georgia, Bella and Michael, maybe even Ethan and M...the queen shook her head, "She's not here, Victoria, stop thinking about her." The queen left holding in tears.

Nathan didn't like the fact that his brother would be having a picnic with Bella. He felt like he could punch his brother. That feeling surprised him, he was never violent. "What is this feeling?" He questioned himself. Jealously. "I'm not jealous." he thought while blushing. Okay. "I'm not." Okay. "I'm not" I hear you the first time. "I'm not" Denial is the first step. "Shut up!"

Ethan didn't like the fact that his sister was going with Michael on a picnic. "She's going to be alone with him and I'm worried for her." He thought. Hahahah you like him! "No I don't." He thought stubbornly. Sure. He hit his head trying to chase the words out of his mind.

Michael was worried for the other boys in the room I mean Ethan kept on hitting his head and Nathan kept on muttering. "What is with them?" He questions himself. I wouldn't  know but I do know what's with you. "What?" You don't believe that you can be with Ethan and you're wrong. "Just leave me alone I don't need you in my thoughts, witch." I'm not a witch and nether am I hope. "They who are you?" You don't need to know that, how do you  know I'm not your thoughts. "You don't need to know that." Touché.

Bella frowned as soon as Victoria left the room. She didn't want to go on the picnic with Michael she wanted to go with Nathan. Finally someone truthful.  Bella frowned those weren't her thoughts. "It's probably nothing." She thought. Nothing my ass. Bella's eyes widened. "Ok defiantly something." Of corse I'm something I'm human. "But you can hear my thoughts that doesn't sound human to me!" Actually I can only hear the thoughts you are thinking at this moment in time. "Just me" No everyone. Bella shudders.

Georgia sighs "I just want to stay here and read and now the queen is setting me up with her son. The same son who happens to like my best friend. I swear if she makes me marry him I'll kill her." She thought to herself. She probably has something in the past that she wants to forget so she invests herself into her sons lives.
Georgia frowned and left the room.

The four others left the dining room and headed upstairs to their rooms, everyone dreading noon.

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