Chapter Three

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The five of them walked into the place and stopped in front of the dining hall door.

Nathan sighed and said "You going to have to meet our parents before we go to the library."

The three guest nodded and they all walked in. The queen stood up when they walked in and smiled at them.

"Hello I am Queen Victoria of Weston." She said while she curtsied . Bella and Georgia curtsied back to her and Ethan bowed.

" I am Georgia your highness." Georgia said smiling, " I was sent to stay with the princess."

"Of course dear." Victoria said. Then she looked back at a servant, "Make a room for Miss Georgia next to Princess Rosabella's room."

"Yes m'lady." The servant replied then went off to do just that. The queen then turned to Bella.

"Hello dear you must be Rosabella it's nice to meet you child."

"It's nice to meet you too Queen Victoria."

Then the king turn to Ethan. "Hello Ethan do you like hunting?"

"No sir"

"Good because none of us hunt" Then he laughed and left. The three guest were very confused by that. Nathan told his mother than they were going to the library.

The queen eyebrow rose "You're going to the library!"

"Yes why?"

"You hate the library."

"Michael wants to show our guests the library"

"Well anyone who wants to go can but you don't have to."

Bella grinned "Really because I hate reading."

Michael's smile melts off his face his future wife hate the thing he loved most. "Oh okay" he said sadly. Only Georgia and Ethan noticed this.

Then Georgia grabs both Ethan's and Michael's arm "Let's go to the library and leave the sad people who don't read." Then they left.

Back in the dining hall Nathan asked "Do you want to go on a walk Bella."

She nod and said "I love the outdoors." Then they left too.

The queen sighed Bella loved the outdoors and Michael liked staying inside, Michael loved reading and Bella didn't. The queen was worried this married wasn't going to work and she need to find her son a new princess. She then remembered there were none left that hasn't meet her son. He didn't like any of them or they were to different and the queen made them leave. She shook her head maybe something will happen in this six months.

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