Chapter Six

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Michael woke up the next day and his widen widen. "Why did I kiss him?" He said out loud to himself. "My parents are going to kill me!" He groaned then got out of bed, got dressed, then went outside. Ethan walked out of his room at the same time Michael did and he went red in the face, then looked away and walked down the stairs.

Michael sighed , "He probably hates me." He thought to himself. He kissed back though. "Shut up hope it can't happen." He thought then he walked down the stairs. His brother came out from behind him smiling.

"Why are you so happy?" Michael asked smiling at his brother.

"Bella." Nathan said with lovesick eyes. They had talked more last night. He liked her a lot.

Michael frowned he had to tell Nathan that their relationship couldn't happen but he didn't want to ruin his brother's happiness.

Michael remembered the night before after he kissed Ethan, Georgia and Nathan grinned at him, but Bella and him shared a knowing look. Right before he ran up the stairs she stopped him and told him that they would talk tomorrow, he agreed then left.

Bella came up to them. "I need to speak to Michael." Nathan gave her a suspicious look, but nodded then walked down to eat.

She turned to Michael. "About last night I'm really sorry." Then after a pause said, "I don't want to marry you."

Michael smiled kindly at her, "I know and I agree but we both know that we have to."

She looked down. "I know," she said with a sad voice, "but I really don't like it."

He looked down at her, "I know how you feel."

Bella sighed, "I just wish it was different."

"Agreed." Michael replied.

Then they walked down to eat.

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