Part 7

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sam came towards maan with fake concern

s: maan what did you do, omg your hand is bleeding saying so she was about to touch his hand but he jerked his hand and gave her a deathly glare

in the mean time yash called geet and told her about the success of their plan and geet thanked him for his help and also asked him to take maan to km as he will be shattered and dadi will be worried for him and also asked yash to take phone near sam and put it on the speaker mode and he did the same.

in the pub

s: maan what happened why are everyone so silent.

g: I told you sam that I will make sure the truth will be out soon and see I did bring the truth out. I know you will be confused with the turn of events, yash plz play the video over there and sam what did you think with editing the voices you can hide your truth then face the reality baby never misjudge a person and think them to be dumb enough to fall into your trap and finally enjoy your show

m:geet I am...

the phone went off, geet didn't want to talk to him, for her he is everything and she know that he will not believe her over sam but thought that he will at least think on her words but he is not in a position to listen and even regretted of being her friend so she didn't want to talk to a person for whom she meant nothing.

s: maan geet she did all this because she want you maan for your money and fame.

m:just shut the hell up(roared like a wounded lion) what do you think sam after all the happenings I will believe you? and what did you say geet want me for money and fame, it's you who wanted to use me sam and not geet I am the biggest fool on the earth. yes me THE MAAN SINGH KHURANA - THE BIGGEST FOOL who believed you over my dadi and geet .

and he came near sam and warned her

m: mark my words sam I will make sure you face the worst and he announced aloud

m: friends I am BREAKING UP with her and rahul you be careful with her because she can't stick to one man and will also definitely leave you.

maan went near yash and thanked him though yash was very angry on maan for hurting geet he couldn't say anything seeing his broken state and him regretting for not believing dadi and geet.

y:its ok maan , I am not the one who should be thanked, the person who deserve it is going away maan. go and stop her maan its already late and be too late to stop her.

on listening this maan remembered that geet is leaving for London today and saw the time its only 45 min left for the flight to take off. he rushed towards his car and started driving too fast breaking all the signals alas he couldn't reach on time the time he stopped the car the flight took off and he came out and fall on his knees looking towards the sky maan cried for his geet he cried for losing her , he cried for hurting her , he cried for everything most importantly he cried for not realizing his love towards geet. yes he loved geet but couldn't realize it, it made him realize his love when he thought of her going away from him he felt like his life stopped the moment he got to know the flight took off.

he went towards his car and sat on the bonnet remembering to all their moments their friendship, his care for her, his possessiveness which didn't make sense then, her accident his care everything and how much he think of her it hurted him very much because he hurted her and knowing her loving him and not believing pierced his heart. he went home and cried in the laps of his dadi though it hurted her seeing him cry but she know that it is the result of his anger but she consoled him.


maan hugging geet's photo

m: I will make up to you geet I will definitely make you come back in my life and also I am ready to bear whatever punishment you give me for hurting you.


geet seeing the pic of maan and her of their old times

g: I still love you maan but couldn't bring my heart to forgive you which you broke into million pieces. I don't wanted to get affected by anything and will not.

and wiped her tears which came out of her hazels.

next day morning

maan was very happy knowing geet returning back though he tried talking to her in these years but couldn't , he wanted to arrange a party for her and asked permission from handa's who settled in Delhi to get the party arranged in their house which is besides km. they agreed to maan happily as they know how much maan loves geet. though initially they were angry on maan for hurting geet but couldn't stay angry on maan for long seeing his love for their daughter. they also know that maan was living a life of hell and it is today he was genuinely happy after geet left him for London.


maan was ordering servants and decorators to make the decorations and food according to the taste of geet

geet's mom: maan bete take some rest and still there is lots of time for geet to come she will be reached late night.

m: mom not only for geet but also there will be party held for new year right so I want everything perfect as I don't want anyone talking bad about it.

gm: don't hide it from me bete, i know for whom you are doing all these and teased him and went from there giving him his black coffee.

maan felt that time is moving so slow that day and wanted to move fast so that he can see his misty.


every one attended the party as it was attended by handa's who are one of the well known families ( anyone, except the family members, don't know the party arranged by maan for his misty)

all are engrossed in the party, ladies busy in their gossips and gents discussing their business and all the youngsters having blast at one side but one sole is very irritated and it is maan as he want to see his misty and he was informed that her flight got landed and she got into the car but due to traffic its taking time. geet informed everyone at home not to come for her and just send the car as she want to come by herself.

it's close to 12 and maan came out as he got call from adi who is wanted to talk to maan about a govt project which tender is to be quoted few days later. and when maan cut the call a car arrived there and suddenly all the lights went off and the count down stared to welcome new year 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 happy new year and with this the crackers burst in the sky and in that light both maan and geet saw each other and then maan went towards geet the lights were on bringing them out off their eyelock

m: happy new year geet i am so happy to see you and wish you first.

but geet ignored him and went away though she wanted to wish him.

precape: geet taking over handa interiors and both maan and geet working for same project.

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