Part 8

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Geet entered the house and greeted her parents and dadi and wished them a happy new year and then excused herself to fresh up and went to her room and came back to the hall after getting freshed and came down in a beautiful white sari looking like an angle, maan was mesmerized with her beauty and stared at her continuously the announcement by mr.handa broke his starring session.

mr.h: i wish e very one present here a happy new year, today we held this party (seeing maan) not only to welcome the new year and the return of my daughter but also to make the announcement of her taking over Handa Industry in few days.

Everyone except maan , were very surprised including geet listening to mr.handa, geet went to her father and hugged him. later everyone congratulated her and maan was finding a way to meet geet lonely which he is not getting. later he saw geet moving to a corner after meeting everyone and without leaving a second maan went towards her and congratulated her.

m: congo geet, at last you reached your dream.

g: thank you (with coldness in her voice)

m: geet i am really sorry for everything, i am a fool to believe her over you and dadi, plz forgive me

while he was talking geet was staring maan with pain in her eyes which was reflecting through his voice, at the same time a man came there,

guy: hey gorgeous happy new year , and he hugged geet.

geet was first startled and then screamed with joy.

g: amy what are you doing here? and ya happy new year.

maan felt so insecure seeing her in the arms of the guy who not only hugged her but also took the moment from him which he is longing from the time sam's truth is out. at the same time the announcement for the dance is made and when amy asked geet to dance and when she was about to give her hand maan grabbed it and took her to the dance floor.

both geet and amy were shocked as they were not expecting this. geet didn't struggle to release herself as it would create a scene . and then the song kurban hua started playing. when they are dancing geet noticed that maan's grip became soft from a rough one and his eyes only spoke love for her and geet did not even want to believe it as she termed it as her illusion.

m:geet plz speak to me, i am truly sorry.

g:you didn't trust me maan and mocked our friendship and even regretted us being friends.

m:geet i spoke all those words in angry and i didn't ment any of those words but regretted speaking them and i trust you geet.

g: if you have trusted me then you would have at least thought once before you speak.

the song was over and they were applauded by the audience who praised their jodi. geet went to her room saying she is tired.

maan was devastated listening to geet he know that he hurt her a lot and vowed to himself to manofy her.

next morning

geet came down and met her parents on the breakfast table and thanked her parents for the great party and thanked her father especially for making her dream come true.

g: thank you so much papa i will never let you down and will work hard for our company.

mh: no need to thank us for anything bete its maan who took care of the party and its his party for you , and on making you to take over our company then its again him who made me realize the gem you are by making me see the projects you have done and he also told me its your dream , one thing beta i know he hurt you a lot but he is also not in peace , its yesterday he is truly happy after a long time or i should say from the moment you left.

g: papa( with tears in her eyes) you know everything

mh: yes bete we know everything that happened maan himself told us though we are angry initially but we convinced seeing him guilty (thought to himself we also know how much he loves you but i wanted him to confess first before any of us revealing to you)

after 2 days

It is the day that geet is joining the company she was hell nervous and she got a call from maan in the morning though she is thinking of him from past two days but couldn't forgive him, it's that all the happy moments are just washed away by remembering that night and his accusation, she didn't pick his call and with in some minutes she received a message from him and she couldn't stop herself from reading it.

maan' message

geet i know you don't want to talk to me but I also know geet you will be so nervous. just believe yourself geet you can definitely do it, you are capable of doing it and its even your dream go conquer you dream don't even hesitate and all the best geet just remember one thing i will always be there for you.

geet felt so happy reading his message it gave her a great courage and unknowingly a smile crept on her lips which came from her heart.

maan wanted to call her again but didn't call her as he didn't want to disturb her, she will be busy knowing her staff, projects going on and with the new projects and as maan expected geet became very busy once she went into the office and forgot everything with her work by the time she reached home she is very tired and she just had her dinner and greeted her parents a good night and went to room to crash on her bed. at the same time she received message from maan.

"hope you had a great day at your office and sleep soon geet you might be very tired good night"

geet was happy to see maan's care towards her. unknowingly she started forgiving maan somewhere in the corner of her heart.

next day

It's the day of bidding for the govt project and maan came there to quote tender for KC and geet entered the hall with her staff to quote for HI maan saw geet and went near her

m: geet all the best you will definitely grab this deal .

g: thank you.

maan was happy that at least geet reacted to something he told and the results were announced and the construction project went to KC and interior works went to HI. and they were requested to work together in order to finish the work fastly and maan was the most happiest soul listening to this as he can get more time to spend with his misty and can also mollify her.

geet has no way but to agree.

precape: maan manofying geet and geet forgiving at last.

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