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Next day maaneet went to the famous love locks bridge, seeing which geet was too exited they scribed their names on the lock and locked it to the bridge and threw the key together.

like this they enjoyed their time a lot both inside the room and their outing, it was their last day in Paris and geet was little upset to go back as they will be back to their normal life there, unlike having each other's undivided attention.

so maan wanted to make their last day in paris very special for geet and planned to surprise her. when they had their afternoon nap maan pretended to sleep and went out and came back after an hour and placed a gift wraped parcel near the coffee table with a card.

to the love of my life

- from your love maan

hope you love this gift geet and will love to see you in this, see you at 7 till they wait for me and miss me as i will also miss you, stated the msg inside the card.

geet woke up from her sleep around 4:30 and was confused not seeing maan around her and while searching she found his card and gift and was truly surprised and very happy that her maan is doing all this for her as he cant see her upset. when she opend the gift she was so surprised with his gift a sari with all the accessories.

geet got ready around 7 and then she heard the calling bell of their room where a waiter placed a card in her hand.

car is waiting outside for you geet hop in fast and come to me

- your maan

geet rushed out and hopped inside the car and didnt ask the driver regarding the destination as he will not say because she knew her maan dont like to reveal the surprise. she waited so impatiently inside the till she reached her destination, her maan.

when she reached her destination she was surprised with the deco and there stood her maan in white shirt and blue jeans dressed simply to kill and oped his arms for her, and she rushed into her safest heaven and both enjoyed their dinner feeding each other and maan promised geet that they will definitely go twice a year to different places and enjoy thrir life with each other without a care to the world.

next day they returned home and spent their rest of their lives with their family and with each other happily.


2 years later

Maaneet are very happy in their life, even though they are busy with their work they always make sometime for themselves as the spend at least two days in their farmhouse away from everyone, and as promised maan took her to different places like Greece, Thailand, Venice and Switzerland. Today is the most important day in maaneet's life as maan won the best businessman of the year award and also KH (Khurana Handa constructions and interiors) was on the top position and every one were so happy , everyone attended the award ceremony where maan took his award and dedicated it to his family and emplyees and especially to his geet. everyone in the family and those who attended the party wished him except his geet.

Later both maaneet decided to spend their night in their farmhouse alone with each other as all these days are very tiring and busy.

When maan went to fresh up geet wanted to surprise him with the best news of their life which she found out that day morning. she know that they will be coming to their farm house so she made all the arrangements on the terrace and made the way to terrace placing a card direction to terrace, when maan reached there he was surprised with the deco and there stood his geet asking him to join her and there he saw a cake and what surprised him was the msg on it " congrats papa" maan at once has tears in his eyes and hugged his geet thanking her. And maaneet lived rest of their lives happily.

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