Chapter 5-Rushing Things..

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Alexa's POV:

I was called to go the boss, for a small report on what was going on.

I hope it's nothing bad and that Brad will be alright.

But it was not.

I went to our secret lair, which was nothing special.

It was just a black room, all medieval-like.

With black walls, black floors, and lit by candlelight.

And in the center of the room, is a chair for the boss to sit in.

There is also a 'Prison Cell' thing. It's made to hold people to make the other people listen to him.

And that's me and Brad...

But Brad's life is in boss's hands, I have no choice but to listen to him.

Anyways, I went to the 'Secret Lair' and boss told me that I should make things go faster.

I was like, "Why?! This is the normal speed for how to make people like you! You can't force them!"

But he said to just listen to him, No questions asked.

So I had to.

Now, when I get to Joel's house, I will have to confess to him all really like. Like I was for really wanting to be with him.

Or I can just trick him into drinking a potion that makes him fall in love with me.

I think that's the better way.

What if confessing fails?

I've heard that the couple has gone through so much together that they will never leave each other!

So the potion plan is the best plan.

I just hope that it works.

I went to Joel's house at approximately 10 o' clock. I knocked on the door three times.

He opened it.

I went in and sat on the dining table, putting the potion, or in this case, the wine on the table.

He was surprised.

Joel: "Why did you bring wine?"

Alexa: "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you some things that I have been holding in for a long time."

Joel: "What is it?"

He sits down across from me.

Alexa: "Drink this and you will find out.."

Joel looks at me weirdly and looks at the wine.

It's just a regular grape wine, but there are a few bubbles around it.

It's nothing suspicious, right?

I hope not!

I gave him a glass and he looked at it before drinking it.

I looked at him as he drank it all up.

I smiled.

The potion should be working right now.

I waved in this face.

Joel: "Hello...Alexa. So, what do you feel like doing right now?"

Alexa: "You know what to do."

Joel: "I have something to tell you."

I smiled, waiting for him to continue.

Joel: "I love you."

Then he tried to lean in to kiss me.

I backed away a bit.

This wasn't in the plan!?

What did boss put in there!

He just said that it's a love potion and nothing else!

He should have told me that it would make the other person all romantic-like!

I guess I have to do this in order to get Brad back then...

Joel continued leaning in and I leaned in as well.....

We kissed for a good 5 seconds before I broke the kiss.

Joel: "Do you want to do something even more?"

He flashed a creepy smile.

Ugh, why did I not just properly confess instead!


Alexa: "S-Something else?"

Joel: "Yes. Something else."

Joel said before licking his lips like a hungry tiger.

I hope this is nothing bad...

Of course, it will be something bad! It will always be whenever people do that!

Joel leaned in again before putting his hands on the neck and trailing down to my waist.

I shivered.

Then he carried me bridal-style to his room and pushing me onto the bed, with him on top of me.

My heart was pounding as to what he was going to do next.

I totally did not sign up for this!

*Time flies by.......*

Then 10 minutes was up.

That was the time for the potion to wear off.

I was relieved.

If this continued any further, I will die from embarrassment.

He fainted and I took the chance to run out of the house as fast as I can.

I ran all the way to the 'Secret Lair' to ask about something.

What did boss put in that potion!?


Hey guys!! Sorry that this chapter was SO DISGUSTING! I tried my best to shorten it out! But it was all to just show that what the boss put in the potion was to out Alexa in danger.

What was his plan?

Is it to get rid of Alexa?

For good?

Or is it something else?

I hope you still enjoyed this chapter!

Tomorrow, I may or may not post another chapter since I will be so busy! So here's a chapter!

Also, I might go and try a 10,000 words long chapter! It might not happen and that's an 80%! But its worth a try!

                        Bye!! ♥♥ ^_^

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