Chapter 15-Awake

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Joel's POV:

There she is. Alive and well. Being able to see and hear now. Tears soon started uncontrollably stream down my eyes. I held Alice close to me as I stood near the white hospital bed. Lizzie. She's......

She's awake.

I can't believe it! She's back!


"Lizzie.." I cried, holding her hands, fearing that she will leave me again.

I pulled a chair over and sat down. I wanted to say something, but...I just can't. It's like this feeling when you finally get to meet your family who is away for a long time and you are too happy to even speak. Alice was the first one to actually start a conversation.

"Mommy, why wer you swleeping?"

Lizzie smiled, "You will know when you are older."


This is it. A family reunion. A happily ever after..........


Lizzie's POV:

After I awoke from a long dream, Yammy, Scott, Oli, Kyle, everyone all came to give me a welcoming party plus gifts. We had a wonderful time and it was also Alice's birthday. She is gonna be a big girl now that she is 2 years old. But I still won't be too strict with her considering the fact that she is only 2 years old.

I have gone back with Joel and everything plus making videos. I still haven't told my fans why I wasn't on youtube for a long time, but I plan on writing a book about my experiences for the past few years.

Everyone is all well and healthy. It seems like after Tyler and his evil plans, it's a fully happy ending.

But of course this is not like those princess movies, this is about a family who overcomes the many obstacles in their lives to be together.

But you may never know.......;)


And the eend! Yup! That's the end of the LAST AND FINAL BOOK OF THIS SERIES! This series has taught me a lot about writing and I have a loong speech to talk about so here is the table of contents in case you want to skip some of them:

1.Book 4?!

2.New book?!

3.Ending speech

1. No, there will NOT BE A BOOK FOUR FOR THIS SERIES AND THAT IS BC one: The book will be about the children since Lizzie and Joel already had a kid and so on. Two: Honestly, I'm getting kind of bored of writing this book and I had changed my ways of writing compared to before. And three: I want to start fresh again which will now lead me to the 2nd topic.

2. I shall be making a brand new book about jizzie but it's gonna be pretty slow on the updates since I have school. But I will try my best to keep the updates on a daily basis after school is over and by that, I meant summer school too.

3. I would like to thank everyone for helping me with this book and leaving suggestions and comments. You are all the reason why I continued writing. Your words motivate me to continue writing.

Thank you.

Now, this is the last and final update (excluding the little edits and other announcements of course) of this series.

Have a good day/night!



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