Chapter 6-The Truth

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Alexa's POV:

When I finally got to the 'Secret Lair', I knocked on the door.

"Who is this?"

"Jizzie no more!"

I said the password and I heard a click sound before going in.

I don't know why the boss would put that kind of password there...It just sounds so weird just saying it.

Anyways, I went in and asked the boss, who was sitting on his throne, I guess, and one leg up on the chair like he is drunk or something. (I don't know how to describe it so yeah..XD)

Alexa: "Boss, I want to ask you something about that love potion."

Boss: "What?"

Alexa: "What did you put in there? Why did it make Joel go all weird?"

Boss: "I see you have found out...I just added some love dust that's all.."

Alexa: "What in the world is a LOVE DUST!?" (Totally have the same question! Idk, I just thought of a random name!)

He sat up.

Boss: "A love dust is something that makes the other person weirder, in a romantic way. Do you understand?"

Alexa: "No.." I said under my breath.

Boss: "What did you say?"

Alexa: "N-Nothing!"

Boss glared at me.

Boss: "Ok then...I gotta go now. Goodnight Alexa......"

Alexa: "Goodnight, I guess.."

He left and I looked around the room for some clues.

Hm...This is so weird..Where did all of his stuff go? It used to all be in this corner behind his 'Throne'!

Boss: "What are you doing?"

I slowly turned around to see boss glaring at me.

Had he found out?

Alexa: "N-Nothing...Hehe!" I stammered.

Well, that went well, Alexa!

Boss: "I knew you would look through my stuff! That's why I hid it somewhere else!"

I stood there frozen. What will he do to Brad?!

It will be all MY fault!

Boss: "Very well then...Bring out, Brad!"

Two strong looking men came up and pushed Brad up like he was a criminal.

Where did boss get those people?

No! Now's not the time for that!

I ran up to Brad and asked him how he's doing.

Brad: "I'm fine."

Alexa: "Oh Brad! I'm so sorry!"

I saw his bruises all over him.

Brad: "It's....Ok.."

I tried to hold back a tear but I just couldn't do it.

I placed my head on his chest and cried.

I was enjoying our moment of reunion until someone coughed from behind.

It was boss.

Why did he have to ruin the moment!?

Boss: "I'm sorry but Brad has to go now.."

He motioned the guys to take him away.

Alexa: "No! Brad!"

They pulled me away from him and took him away again.

I need to finish my mission fast to save Brad.

Alexa: "I need to go now...I need to continue my mission."

I left as I heard boss say something.

"Good Job!"

I smiled.

At least boss has some niceness in his life.


Helllooooo! I hope you enjoyed this chappie! Yeah, I'm sound pretty weird. But I'm always weird so yeah! I can write however I want to!

Aaaaanways, there may or may not be chapters for Thursday and Friday because I have a test on Friday and I need to study on Thursday! So yeah!

And that's all for today now!

Bye!! ♥♥

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