Chapter 9-Lizzie!

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Joel's POV:

Joel: "T-Tyler?!"

Alexa: "Yup.."

Joel: "Um, Well, Thanks for that info there, I-I gotta go and save Lizzie.."

I don't know why I am nervous all of a sudden, is it because I like Alexa now?

No! Joel! Stop saying that! You love Lizzie still! It's your fault that she ran away!

I calmed down and got back to my senses.

Alexa: "Are you sure?"

Joel: "Yeah, I mean, it's my fault that she ran away.."

Alexa: "And mine.."

She looked down at the floor, playing with the rocks.

Joel: "But you were forced to do that.."

Alexa: "Yeah, but still.."

Then her eyes shot up.

Alexa: "I have an idea!"

Joel: "What?"

Alexa: "I can bring you to his house tonight and then we can get Lizzie back!"

Joel: "But how? You aren't allowed to go there anymore since you finished the mission thing."

Alexa: "But Brad's still in there! I need to get him back tonight though!"

Joel: "But-"

I was about to say that Tyler might kill them both because why would he tell random people his secrets and then let them leave?

Alexa grabbed my hand.

Alexa: "No buts! We gotta go now! The sun's setting and it's almost 6 o'clock!"

She pulled me all the way to Tyler's house and behind that tree that we all used to hide in.

It was just randomly placed there.

Like there were no other trees around the house all except for that one!

Anyways, Alexa knocked on the door and said that weird password thing again.

She went in and I snuck in after her.

When we were in, I found the perfect place to hide in.

There was a plant in the corner of the room and it was perfect for hiding!

I hid in the plant and tried to spot Lizzie.

She was laying on the cold and hardened floor, hands tied together, and unconscious.

I feel so bad for her! It's all my fault that she was like this!

She also had lots of bruises all over her...

Suddenly, someone finally spoke.

Alexa: "Um, I came here for Brad.."

Tyler: "Very well then..."

He smiled evilly.

Out of the corner if my eye, I saw Lizzie trying to stand up but failed. Then she saw me.

Lizzie: "J-Joel...."

Tyler: "Stop talking about your Joel! He will never come and save you!"

Well, I couldn't stand it anymore!

I came right out of the plant.

Joel: "Well I'm right here!"

Tyler: "What?! Alexa! I told you to get rid of him!"

Alexa: "I did but I'm a good person!"

Tyler: "Well then, bring in Brad!"

The guards brought Brad in.

He looked as though he had been beaten up as well.

Alexa: "Brad!"

She ran up to him.

Alexa: "Are you ok!? What did they do to you!?"

Brad: "Its F-Fine..."

Alexa: "Brad!"

She hugged him and cried.

Suddenly, I saw Tyler holding up a gun.

Joel: "NOOO!!!"

Tyler:"Well this is the end of you...."

He held up the gun as I tried to run in front of him in slow motion.

He pulled the trigger on Alexa.

But as soon as he did, Brad ran in front of her and got shot in the stomach.

Alexa turned around just as I stopped running.

Alexa: "Brad!!!!"

She fell down and cried.

Alexa: "Brad...Please...wake up..."

But there was no time for crying because Tyler soon pulled the trigger at Lizzie!

Joel: "No! Lizzie!"

Alexa ran to Lizzie and got shot as well.

Jizzie: "Alexa!!!"

I knelt down before her.

Joel: "Alexa....I'm sorry....."

Alexa: "Its fine.........."

And with that, she slowly closed her eyes.....

What have I done!? I just made a couple sacrifice themselves just for us.....

He will pay.......

I ran up to Tyler just as the door busted open.

In came a bunch of officers.

Had Alexa called the cops beforehand?

They handcuffed Tyler.

But it was not over yet...

Joel: "Give me Lizzie's medicine!"

The officers searched his stuff and found something called 'Cur fr Lze'. The rest of the writing was scratched off but I could tell that was for Lizzie.

I took the medicine and fed them to Lizzie.

She drank it and instantly felt better.

Suddenly, she fainted.

Joel: "Lizzie! What happened!"

Tyler: "Well this medicine also has side effects. She will be in a-"

Officer: "Come on, let's go."

They pulled him to the police car and drove away.

Joel:"In a what!?"

But it was no use.

They were already gone...

All Gone........


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And thats pretty much all I have to say now!! Bye!! ♥♥

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