Chapter 14-Giving up?

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Joel's POV:

I sat down on a chair beside Lizzie's bed, along with tons of machines besides it. I had asked the doctors to not take Lizzie away. Therefore, until Lizzie gets better, she is not leaving this room.

I am taking care of Lizzie every day, along with Alice. Her friends sometimes come and see her, and usually leaves gifts behind. Her fans are always asking where are the videos, and I specifically told them not to tell the real reason for Lizzie not being able to make any videos. I made a 10-minute video explaining that Lizzie had lost her mojo in making videos and needed time. The fans were very supportive of her. And I'm glad.


I feel like giving up. But I cant. I need to be strong. Or else Alice will have no mom nor dad anymore. And I don't want that to happen.

I'm was sitting next to Lizzie when I received a call from Yammy.


Yammy: Hello? Joel? Are you there?

Joel: Yes. What happened?

Yammy: Oh, well Alice is having a fit about wanting to see you, should I bring her over?

(A/N: Yammy was taking care of Alice while Joel was away)

Joel: Yeah. Sure. It's fine.

Yammy: Ok. I'm coming right now then!

*Call Ends*

Suddenly, moments later, Yammy opened the door and gave Alice to me.

Yammy: "Here! I don't want to deal with her anymore! Bye!"

Yammy exclaimed between breaths.


I replied.

She then walked out the door and Alice ran over to Lizzie.

Alice: "Daddy, why ish mommy swleeping?"

Joel: "Mommy is just tired ok? Don't worry...."

I sure hope she believes me but nope.

Being a smart kid which she is, she went on an investigation and soon came up with the solution of Lizzie being dead.

I know, it sounds crazy, right?

Seconds later, she started sobbing, and then loudly crying.

I came over and she asked me what happened to Lizzie. I had to tell her the truth because what could a parent do? I can't keep the secret away forever. She sooner or later has to learn it.


Lizzie's POV: (You didn't have that coming, did you? XD)

I tried to wake up from a child's crying. But somehow I cant. Something is pushing me away from it. Something that I can't quite describe. Soon enough, I hear a heartbeat. I'm not sure if its mine, but it sounds really close to me, like its really mine. (How come the sentence sounds so weird? I don't understand...)

When I finally hear someone shouting my name, I was able to open my eyes, finding one person standing by me, with tears coming out of their eyes.


Helloooo everybody! I'm back! From hibernation! Sorta. Anyways, I will talk later bc rn I have to do my hw urgently and I really have to go after I publish this. Sorry if it's so bad, etc. but I really don't have the time to fix it so gotta run! I will just edit it whenever I have the time! Bye!

*Runs off into the distance like she's late for work or something XD*


(A running emoji if you didnt notice/realize)

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