Chapter 6

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Alois sat in his bed and stared out into the window. He felt bruised and pretty shitty at the moment. On the inside, he felt pretty shitty too. He brought poor Ciel into the big mess he was in. The thing that was bugging him the most though was the fact that the old man was still alive somehow. He was pretty sure that bloody perv was DONE. Like, Alois made sure he stabbed the guy in the heart ten times. Yes, he had to count. It was a crucial, if not important step, to count how many times he counted. Alois wanted to make sure he killed him for good. Sighing, Alois wished it didn't happen. He must seem like a fool to Ciel now; a big liar too… Groaning, Alois sat up in his white bed and continued staring out the window. Outside was beautiful. The sun was gleaming and garden was so colorful it was blinding.

"Knock knock." Sebastian said as he opened the door. Alois didn't bother looking at his teacher. "I see your awake now. Would you like to see Ciel?" The blonde stiffened and looked at his bandaged hands.

"…No thank you." Alois mumbled under his breath. He heard more shuffling and looked up. Claude's golden eyes were focused on him and he focused his bright blue eyes on Claude. The golden color was hypnotizing him and making him move. "I…guess I will." Claude nodded at Sebastian and left the room. Alois wrapped his blanket around himself and walked out the room. Holding onto his ribs, he followed both teachers. The other beds were completely empty. Guess no one really gets injured in this school. "So…how is Ciel?" He asked while fumbling with his fingers.

"You'll see soon enough." Sebastian smiled. Biting his lip, Alois was filling his own head with scenarios. What is Ciel absolutely hated him? That was the worst one of all. The scenario that Ciel would look at him with such disgust and never want to be his friend; or even worse, not even be near him. All Alois wanted was one good friend. At least one and he really liked Ciel. Looking up, he saw Ciel was sitting up in his bed looking out of the window. His left eye was still covered and he was covered in bandages. His already pale skin was even paler from the blood loss.

"Ciel, Alois came to see you." Sebastian said with his usual smile. Ciel looked up and his dark blue eyes seemed to be the darkest thing on his face. Alois stared at Ciel just as Ciel stared at him. They kept each other's gaze for a while.

"Ciel!" Alois ran (walked super-fast) to his side. "How are you? Are you ok? Well, you don't look ok. I mean, ugh." Alois stopped his rambling when the boy just stared. He saw a small smile dance on his lips.

"I'm fine you moron. Shouldn't you be in bed? Your wounds will open up again if you move too much." Alois smiled. Ciel didn't hate him!

"Aw! But Ciel! I wanted to see you!" Alois turned to Sebastian. "Can I share the same room as Ciel? Please, please!" Sebastian raised an eyebrow and looked at Claude. Sighing, Claude adjusted his glasses.

"I…don't see why not." Claude said stoically. Sebastian smiled.

"It would make work easier." He tried not to yell out from joy. Ciel sighed.

"I guess I can't escape the blonde fool now can I?"

"I'm no fool!" Ciel snorted. "Don't make me attack you!"

"And risk opening your wounds?" Alois stared at Claude.

"Claude!" The blonde whined. "Ciel is bullying me! Make him stop!" Ciel slightly blushed.

"I am not bullying you!"

"Are too!"

"Are not! Stop acting like a 5 year old." Alois pouted. Without themnoticing, Sebastian came back with all of Alois' things. Claude was preparing his bed and both of them fell silent. Ciel groaned.

"This is going to be a long recovery."

"Shut up! You know you love my presence!"

A week passed by and all of their wounds recovered. Both teachers gave them a sheet of paper telling them which classes they had. Sweet, I didn't know boarding schools even have this. Alois thought to himself

"Ciel! Let me look at your schedule!" Alois snatched the paper from his grip.

"Hey, give that back! I'm not done looking at it." He said angrily and made a grab for the paper. Alois simply pushed his face away and kept him at an arm's length away. Blue eyes looked over the paper and saw they had the same classes together. French, fencing, ballroom dancing, math, English then art.

"Yay! We have the same classes together!" Ciel groaned aloud. "Hey! You know you love being with me." Alois smiled brightly. Ciel snatched the paper away.

"Great…I'm jumping for joy." Ciel said dully. "Well, might as well get to French class before we're late." Alois grabbed Ciel's empty hand and began skipping merrily down the hallways. They boys skipped (and half dragged) to the room down the long hall. Upon entering the room, everyone fell silent. Ciel began feeling uncomfortable with the eyes staring at him. Looking over to Alois, the blonde seemed unaffected.

"Come on Ciel! Let's sick by the windows!" He dragged Ciel to the back windows and sat down. Everyone seemed to stop staring and began talking silently amongst one another. Ciel sighed. Of course people would talk about them. They missed about 13 days of school plus they were new students.

"Maintenant, maintenant, settle down class." A platinum blonde said cheerfully while walking into the door. Ciel raised an eyebrow. He looked relatively young and…flamboyant. His purple eyes scanned over the room with a smile playing on his lips. "Mon Dieu, such lovely boys I have in this class!" He flipped his hair back dramatically. "Bonjour mon étudiants! I am monsieur Druitt. I will be teaching you the language of amour!" Monsieur Druitt winked to the whole class. Ciel slumped in his chair.

"Oh God save the Queen…" Ciel mumbled to himself.

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