Chapter 5

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Alois felt the scream get caught in his throat. He must be dreaming because this man in front of him was not suppose to be alive. He was pretty sure he killed him on that warm night in his very own room but something or someone had brought him back to haunt him.

"Why, father…it's you." Alois smiled at the old man. The old earl looked at Alois with an obvious fake smile.

"Yes Alois. It's me, the man you tried to kill." The old man growled at the end of the sentence. Alois kept his composure and continued smiling. "I'm highly disappointed in you Alois. That wound really did hurt." Ciel was barely listening to any of this. Alois didn't realize that Ciel was bleeding heavily from his ribs. He tried killing this man… Ciel thought to himself.

"Tch, tell me something I don't know old man." Alois smirked but the old man walked towards him and slapped him across the face hard. With a stinging red cheek, Alois' looked at the man with cold blue eyes.

"A doll does NOT talk back to its master!" the man yelled. Alois didn't make a grab for his cheek and did a half smirk.

"Last time I checked, I was a fucking human being." Alois stood tall and crossed his arms.

"Last time I checked, I fucking bought you. You are MINE." The man said.

"I am no longer yours! I'm not going to be your fucking little bitch anymore and you don't own me!" Alois screamed. The man growled and charged at Alois. Ciel screamed for the blonde to move but Alois stood there with a dark expression on his face.

"I'll make you regret those words Jim McCain." The old man was right in front of Alois ready to smack him when suddenly; Alois pulled out his knife and stabbed the old man. The man screamed out and took a step back. Ciel was barely conscious but he could hear some of the words. There was a lot of blood flowing from his ribs but Alois didn't notice. Ciel felt his breathing go into short pants and begged for someone to save them. Ciel stayed where he was and stayed quiet as he heard the tension build.

"I don't think I'll be the one regretting things today." Alois got the old earl's gun out of the holster and pointed it at the man's forehead.

"W-wait A-Alois, d-don't want to be drastic now do we?" The old earl put his hands up in surrender. Alois rolled his eyes and scowled in disgust. Kicking him hard in the stomach, he made sure to step on the man's head with the heel of his shoe.

"Fucking old man," Alois spat the words out with complete disgust. "One minute ago, you were about to kill both Ciel and I. Now here you are on the ground begging for mercy like the spineless worm you are. You disgust me to no end." He kept applying more pressure to the man's head as each word filled him with more anger.

"Filthy eyes. You always had such filthy eyes." Alois clenched his jaw tightly and cocked the gun. He aimed it at the balding head of the old earl "No one loves you and they never will. You'll die all alone and wretched just like I-"

"SHUT UP!" Alois screamed and pulled the trigger. Several gun shots were heard as the sound bounced off of the stone walls. As silence filled the air, Alois' panting was audible as he slumped to the ground. His whole body was trembling. He tried so hard not to let the words sink in but they were. What Alois feared the most in his life was to be all alone in the darkness once again. He just wanted someone to love him and shine him with light. The tears were burning his vision.

"A-Alois…" Ciel called out in a whisper. Alois wiped his eyes and went to Ciel. "I…I need…he-" Ciel passed out from the pain. Alois grabbed a hold of Ciel and began shaking him.

"Ciel? Ciel?" Alois cried out. More tears filled his eyes as he tried to figure out what to do. The blonde felt his hand being warm and sticky and looked at it. "You…you were bleeding this whole time and you didn't tell me…" Alois put Ciel down gently and tried opening the door. It was locked and he had no way of getting Ciel help. Sheer panic took over Alois as he began banging on the door. Screaming for help, he prayed that someone would come to save him and Ciel. Crying, Alois felt completely useless. He crashed onto the ground but kept banging on the door. These events happened too quickly and it was because of him. His past came to haunt him and it brought an innocent victim into the picture. Running his hand through his hair, Alois dared to look at Ciel.

Ciel was paler than usual but Alois barely saw his chest move. It was clear that he needed quick medical attention or else Alois would really lose him for good. Getting up, Alois tried getting more energy to pound his fists on the door and screamed on the top of his lungs. Panting, he pressed his ear to the door. Alois barely heard footsteps making their way towards the door.

"Help! Help!" Alois screamed while clawing at the door.

"Who's in there?" Sebastian said through the wall. Alois looked at Ciel and felt his breathing quicken.

"Get us out NOW! Ciel Phantomhive is terribly hurt and we have a dead man in here!" There was silence for what seemed like a half an hour but he heard Sebastian and Claude respond in the same voice.

"Alois, move back now." There was some demonic tone to the command that Alois ran back to protect Ciel's defenseless body. With a couple of loud thuds, the door came flying past Alois. The light blinded Alois. Covering his face, he hovered over Ciel's body protectively. "Alois…" Claude called out. The blonde looked up at the tall teacher and looked into the golden eyes. He quickly looked at Sebastian and then at Ciel. He got up but quickly fell. Claude grabbed hold of Alois before he could hit the ground.

"What…" Alois suddenly felt very weak. Looking down, Alois never noticed the stab wound he had in his ribs. "When did this…" Claude picked Alois up and cradled him like a child.

"Shh, don't talk now. We're going to get you patched up." Claude whispered sweet words into Alois' ear. The darkness was slowly creeping into the blonde's mind. Sebastian picked Ciel up like a princess and nodded towards Claude.

"C-Ciel…" were the last words Alois said before he was lulled to sleep in Claude's arms.

Ciel slowly woke up and found himself wrapped in warm blankets. He would've turned his head but he felt a sharp pain rush by it when he moved. Cursing under his breath, he stared at the ceiling. It seemed to be day time and the birds were singing their songs merrily.

"Where am I?" Ciel asked aloud to himself. He heard a chuckle along with soft footsteps.

"Ciel, you're obviously in the infirmary room." Sebastian walked to Ciel's side. "You must have hit your head hard enough to make you rather slow." Ciel sighed as the teacher kept smiling away.

"How bad were my wounds?" Ciel asked as his head began to pound. Sebastian looked at the wall for second then replied.

"When we carried you and Alois back, we had to give you around…ten stiches on your ribs. You have several bruises all over your body and you hit your head pretty hard on the concrete." Sebastian looked at Ciel. "Luckily you were saved from Alois. " Hearing the name again, Ciel's memories snapped into place.

"Alois? Where is he? Is he ok?" Ciel turned to look at Sebastian though he had to quickly grab his head afterwards. Sebastian gave Ciel some water and laid him back down.

"Alois is fine. He had to get around thirty stitches total because he managed to get stabbed more than you did. His face is slightly swollen and some of his nails are gone. We saw that he had some bruises but not as much as you. He's pretty strong despite his actions." Ciel sighed and rubbed his head. "I didn't know this would happen around the first night you guys would arrive, certainly made things livelier around here." Sebastian chuckled to himself.

"What?" Ciel replied. Sebastian smiled like a demon would and turned his back to Ciel.

"Nothing Ciel. Have a good rest now."


Sooo, how was it? C: Nice couple of chapters that I updated for you guys x3 Hope you comment! I really love feedback but hearing none makes me rather...sad :C~ Anyways, hope you enjoyed! 

Boarding School TroublesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora