Chapter 10

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Ellian ran to the nearest bathroom. Damn that Alois kid! All he did was pick on him and try steal Ciel away! Shoving the bathroom door open, tears began to fall from his emerald green eyes. Damnit all! His plan was falling apart and it's only been one day. One! Grabbing some tissues, Ellian began to blow his nose. How can he win over Ciel's heart without any of that Alois brat to get in his way? Looking over in the mirror, he noticed how puffy and red his face became. "Ew." He said to himself and began to wash his face with cold water. Ellian tried to think of everything he could. Unfortunately, that didn't work out too well since he knew nothing about that other blonde. Ellian sighed. Things were not going as planned...Maybe he needed to step off a bit and just try to get to know Alois. Just to find some type of weakness or just somehow sabotage that odd little friendship they had formed. An idea flashed brightly in Ellian's head. A smirk began to spread on those girly, pink lips of his.

"I may not know much about Alois but..." The smirk broke out into a smile. "I know quite a lot of Ciel..." He chuckled into his hand daintily. No one messes with a Milford. No one. When Ellian felt that his appearance was suitable, he left the bathroom and went back to the cafeteria. There was only ten minutes left till lunch was over. Looking around for Ciel, she spotted him in the same spot he was before. He had a slight blush on his face as Alois was saying something to him. Balling his fists, Ellian procceed in their direction. Calm down Milford...You got this...Ciel looked up and smiled awkwardly.

"Are you feeling better Ellian?" Ciel asked. Alois looked up and smirked. The other blonde saw that Alois was holding onto Ciel's hand like they were going to be wed or something.

"Yeah Milford, how are you?" Alois said. Ciel elbowed Alois in the ribs. "Ouch!" His blue eyes looked at Ciel as he raised his eyebrow. Rubbing his side, he rolled his eyes. "Tch..fine..." Alois cleared his throat. "I'm...I'm sorry for my ride behavior earlier. It was wrong of me and highly immature." He stopped but Ciel looked at him again. He sighed. "Ugh...I hope we can start over and be friends." Ellian tried hard not to scowl at Alois. He obviously didn't care if they were friends or not. Ciel was the one reason he even bothered to apologize...and he didn't even sound like he meant it! Alois smiled at Ciel and hoped to be somehow praised for doing what he was told.

"Wipe that smile off your face Trancy." Alois began to pout.

"Aw! But Ciel~!" Alois began to drape over Ciel's lap. The younger boy began to blush furiously.

"A-Alois! Get off my lap this instant!" Ellian rolled his eyes. Alois was such an idiot.

"Do you need help Ciel?" Ellian flashed a cute smile. Alois raised an eyebrow at him. Ciel looked up and shook his head.

"Ah, no thank you. I can always just..." Ciel pushed Alois off his lap. Unfortunately, he didn't realize how much force he used and threw Alois on to the floor.

"Gah!" Alois fell on his stomach. Ellian tried not to laugh at Alois. Serves him right. "Damnit Ciel!" The bell rang just as Alois got up from the floor. He was dusting himself off while mumbling underneath his breath. Ellian took the chance to hold onto Ciel's arm. Not latch on,but actually hold it gently. He certainly learned his lesson.

"Ciel! What class do you have next?" Ellian asked calmly. He knew Ciel detested the high-pitched, excited voice he usually does. Alois was eyeing Ellian cautiously. Ciel thought about his schedule since he already memorized it.

"I have math, English then art." Alois rolled his eyes when Ellian smiled. The blue-eyed blonde was getting a bad feeling about this. Ellian changed how he acted and in a good way. He was less annoying.

"Oh! I have math and English with you!" Ellian smiled at Ciel. Much to Alois' surprise, Ciel blushed a bit from that smile.

"Tch, that's great." Alois smiled at Ellian. Despite him smiling, Alois was ready to smack Ellian to the ground. How dare this little punk try to steal Ciel away from him! He had him first and it was clear that Ciel was starting to like him back. All his hard work will not go to waste. He had to bring Ellian down...Find any secrets he had...But how? Alois loathed the idea of trying to be nice and friendly with this brat. Looking over, Ellian and Ciel were having a lovely conversation over God knows what. Grinding his teeth, Alois knew he had no other choice. The trio traveled their way into the math class. Sebastian seemed to be the teacher for this class and smiled as he noticed Ciel and Alois walking in.

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