Chapter 3

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As Ciel and Alois followed the tall man, they noticed how every person they passed had a costume on. Ciel furrowed his eyes together and looked more intensely. Alois stared in wonder and continued skipping merrily on his way. Clearing his throat, Sebastian turned his head around.

"If I may, why is everyone dressed in costumes?" Ciel asked. Sebastian stopped for a bit and stared. The stare lasted a couple of second before being replaced with a smirk.

"Why, it's Halloween of course!" Sebastian said happily. Alois and Ciel gawked at the teacher.

"What? Can I go back to my room and change then? I totally forgot it was today!" Alois begged the teacher. For once, Ciel agreed with the blonde. Sebastian raised an eyebrow and sighed.

"Fine, let me accompany you back then." Sebastian said while walking back. Alois began running back in to the room as Ciel stayed with the teacher. Ciel tried his best not to sigh aloud.

Alois opened his closet and dumped all of his clothes onto the bed. He surely brought a costume. He remembers placing the outfit in his trunk somewhere. He heard the door opening and saw Ciel walk in. Without a second glance for once, Alois kept looking for his costume. He heard Ciel rummaging through his own stuff. Alois sneaked a peek from the side of his eye. Ciel had removed his shirt. The pale skin seemed to glow in the candle light. His dark hair seemed to shine blue as his fingers brushed through it. Alois found himself blushing a bit. Ciel's dark blue eyes looked over Alois' face.

"Can I help you?" Ciel said while putting on a white shirt. Alois turned his back to Ciel.

"Sorry, I spaced out." Alois mumbled as he continued looking. Ciel rolled his eyes as he put on his pants. Ciel left without saying goodbye. Alois finally found his costume and put it down. He walked to the door. "Sebastian! Ciel! You can go on without me. I know where the cafeteria is." Sebastian nodded and guided pirate Ciel away. Alois picked up the blue and white fabric and smiled. He didn't have anything to fill out the top, which sucked but he could always adjust it so it can fit his flat chest. Unzipping the dress, Alois began humming to himself. When he finished putting the rather long dress on himself, he put on the fake hair extensions. Looking in the mirror, he looked like a girl. Smiling to himself, he walked out of the room and made his way to the cafeteria.

Ciel looked at all the boys that were in the cafeteria. Boys that vary from the ages of nine to eighteen were dressed in all sorts of costumes. Cane in his hand, Sebastian guided him to an empty table that was meant for Alois and himself to sit in. Ciel looked around for the stupid blonde.It does not take long to put on a damn costume. Ciel thought to himself. Rolling his eyes, he thanked Sebastian and sat down. For once, Ciel didn't want to be alone and wished the blonde was near him. Not so they can talk but it was only because they knew each other. Fixing his hat, he saw blonde hair in his side vision. Turning his head, he was face to face with a blonde maid. She looks oddly familiar…Ciel thought but he couldn't help but think the maid was cute. The unknown blonde smiled at him. Her light blue eyes looked at Ciel and her smile broadened.

"My, that costume looks very stunning on you master!" Ciel couldn't help but turn red. The maid was too cute for him to handle. He cleared his throat.

"Thank you." Ciel looked away. He never felt like this before, so he doesn't know how to handle this type of situation. The maid smiled and grabbed Ciel's hand.

"I'd like for you to join me somewhere." She said as she pulled onto Ciel. Many boys were looking at the two but mostly at this unknown maid. Ciel noticed how the maid was taller than him. Furrowing his brows, he really wished he hit puberty already. The maid took him into a dark room that seemed to be isolated from everyone else.

"What are we doing here?" Ciel asked. Chuckling, the maid stepped closer to Ciel.

"I want to get to know you more Ciel Phantomhive." The maid said as she wrapped her arms around Ciel's neck.

"Hey, how do you know my name?" Ciel asked. The blonde simply smiled and put her finger to Ciel's lips.

"I heard about you from earlier. You are the new student." Her breath tickled Ciel's neck. Lucky for him, the maid couldn't see his beet red face.

"Oh. Well, why did you pick me? There was someone else." Ciel saw something flash in those light blue eyes but chose to ignore it. He was mostly focusing on how close the maid's lips were to his own. He never has his first kiss yet (he was not counting Trancy), and he did not know what to do.

"Just close your eyes and relax. Let your body guide you." The maid whispered. Biting his lips, Ciel was trying to relax. Closing his eyes, he willed himself to relax. He felt cold hands caress his face gently and slightly pull him in. Finally relaxing, he moved closer and closer until he felt warm lips touch his own. Such a sweet kiss, Ciel felt like he could get cavities. A soft peck left Ciel wanting more. Ciel held onto the hands on his face and let them caress them. He wanted more. Moving on his own, he kissed the maid again. She was too cute for him to control himself. He now knew how greedy men can get around women. He heard his name being called but he ignored it. Ciel kissed those soft lips once again.

"Ciel~" Biting the inside of his lip, he looked into light blue eyes. "You're so cute Ciel." The maid smiled. Widening his eyes, Ciel realized who the maid was.

"Alois Trancy!" Ciel screamed on the top of his lungs. Alois smiled cutely at the blushing Ciel.

"My, that certainly was a treat for me! Sorry you had to get tricked." Alois licked his lips. "You know, you're not bad for a rookie." Ciel felt like snapping his cane in two. How dare he toy with his feelings! Before Ciel could say anything, Alois grabbed his hands.

"Oh stop it Ciel. You know you're attracted to me. Why put up a fight?" Alois smiled. Ciel growled a bit under his breath and stomped on Alois' foot. "Ouch!" Alois let go of Ciel. Being freed, Ciel ran off while rubbing his lips on his sleeve.

He couldn't believe he kissed Alois Trancy. This just wasn't suppose to happen! The brunette tried finding his way through the halls of the large school. The more turns he took, the more he felt lost. Growling aloud, Ciel blamed this whole mess on Alois. After a while of being lost, Ciel took his time and looked at the art that surrounded him. There was one painting that Ciel stopped to stare at intensely. The large painting had shown a young man with silver hair. His red eyes seemed to stare right into Ciel's soul. Fixated on this picture, he didn't hear the foot steps behind him. When Ciel realized what was going to happen, it was too late. Someone covered his nose with a cloth. Inhaling the weird scent, Ciel saw his vision blurring. His body began to go numb and heavy.

"Wha- Stop…" was all Ciel could manage before the darkness surrounded his conscious mind.

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