Chapter 9

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Alois ran out of the room to find a bunch of eyes staring at him. The whispers began once again and to be honest, Alois was actually very uncomfortable about it. He was starting to feel paranoid of the things they were saying about him...about Ciel but, instead of hiding in his mind like Ciel would, Aloid put on the facade and held his head high. No way was he going to let them know how nervous he actually felt. Walking across the large gym, he felt the eyes boring holes into his body. Hiding his slightly trembling hands beneath the fencing uniform, he gave a sly smile and a curt wave at the dispersing crowd. Some shyly waved back but others remained silent; staring. Throwing the fencing outfit on the floor along with the others, he saw Ciel walk out. The whispering was even louder for him. Alois immediately saw how uncomfortable Ciel felt.

The shorter boy would look around him and began to walk with caution in his steps. Alois observed him and couldn't keep a smile off of his face. What just happened in the changing room was something Alois would never forget. He finally managed to get Ciel to just let loose; have his guard down; to have a hunger for something he didn't know he had. The blonde tried to wipe the smug look off of his face but it was hard. Hopefully he can do it again in te near future! Ciel came closer and dropped the fencing outfit. His dark blue eyes looked at Alois then squinted. The blonde simply winked and walked away, leaving the shorter boy blushing.

"Next class...ballroom dancing!" Alois said with joy. He liked to dance, especially the dances that came from Spain. They were so sensual and elegant all at once. The music was much more lively than that stuffy ballroom music with the same old steps. 1,2,3 and move left; 1,2,3 and move right and blah blah blah. Hearing footsteps approaching him, he imagined it to be Ciel trying to catch up to him. "Ciel~" Alois said as he turned but some other blonde boy came up to him. His large green eyes stared at Alois.

"Not quite." The boy said. Alois raised an eyebrow and frowned.

"Who are you?" A smile danced on the boy's very feminine face.

"Me? My name is Ellian Milford." Such a squeaky, feminine voice but Milford...the name sounded familiar...Suddenly, Ciel came in between both blondes. He noticed Ellian and raised an eyebrow.

"Milford? That's the last name my fiance, Elizabeth, has." Ellian's eyes sparkled when Ciel said that and his smile grew. "How are you related to Elizabeth?" Ciel looked at Ellian from head to toe. "I never saw you before in my life and I'm pretty sure I met everyone in the Milford family." Ellian giggled and skipped ahead of Ciel and Alois a bit.

"Who knows and who cares!" It was Alois' turn to look at the other blonde from head to toe. Ciel raised an eyebrow.

"If so, I will have to contact the Milford family and ask-"

"No!" Ellian nearly screamed. Alois whistled which made things more awkward.

"Someone's on edge aren't they?" Ellian seemed to have glared at him for a bit but coughed daintly into their hand. Ciel looked at Ellian with an imaginary question mark over his head.

"I mean, no. It would be a bother to both you and my family since I'm not that known." Ellian grabbed onto Ciel's hand and squeezed it. "Please don't contact them. You cant trust that I am from the Milford family." Ciel grabbed his hand away from the boy's grip and rubbed it a bit.

"Alright, alright. I'll believe you for now." Ciel's voice couldn't hide the suspicion in his tone but Ellian didn't care. He let out a rather girly cheer. Odd; even for me to say. Alois thought to himself. With a shurg of the shoulder, Alois began to walk to the ballroom. "What class do you have now Ellian?" Again, the boy giggled. Alois scowled a bit and continued to walk ahead.

"Ballroom dancing!" Alois felt the dread creep into my whole body.

"Ballroom dancing? Same goes for Alois and I." Ciel said. Alois began to bite the side of his cheek in annoyance.

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