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            "Boarding school? Madame Red, you aren't serious...are you?" Ciel Phantomhive fixed his dark blue eyes on the woman dressed in a red dress.  Madame Red stopped playing his her red hair and looked at Ciel.

             "Yes, I'm serious Ciel. I think it's good for you. Learn some things before you run the family business." Ciel sighed. He was now the head of the whole Phantomhive Company since his parents had recently died in a horrible fire. "And call me auntie! You're too formal with me." Madame Red added. Since Ciel's loss, his aunt had been kind enough to take him in. Pouting, Ciel was tempted to whine, but he stopped himself.

             "But auntie! I'm capable of taking over the family business! You heard people comment my advanced skills." Madame Red rubbed her forehead. She knew Ciel was capable of taking over the family business but she wanted Ciel to still act like a child the most that he can. He was like the son she never could have, which meant she wanted him to have as much fun as he can.

             "I'm not changing my mind Ciel. You're going to boarding school for a couple years then you can run the company." Ciel slumped into his chair and pouted. Madame Red walked over to Ciel and planted a kiss on the sulking boy's cheek. "I'm sorry dearie but just do this for me...ok?" Ciel looked into the brown-red eyes and nodded. It's the least thing he can do for her. Smiling, Madame Red told Ciel when they'd be leaving and what to pack. Getting up from his comfy chair, Ciel smoothed out his blue outfit.         "What is this boarding school called anyway auntie?" Without looking at him, she answered.

            "Oh, some school the Trancy household funds. I forgot the name of it though. But I do remember it being an all-boy school. Maybe you can meet some new friends there." She turned around and smiled brightly at Ciel. Ciel couldn't help but smile a bit back. Boarding ...lovely...


            Alois Trancy walked the endless hallway. It was very quiet; the only sound being made it the soft shuffling of his bare feet making contact on the carpet. In the back sash of his, rather revealing, red kimono, held a big knife. His sky blue eyes were focused at the end of the hallway. After this, I’ll own everything this old fart has. Alois smiled to himself. Quickening his pace, he hurried into the room of the old Trancy.

            "Master? I'm here like you asked." he sweetly said. With a grunt, the old man before him was fat, balding and wrinkly.

             "Come here my pet...sit here." the old perv patted his lap, waiting for Alois to come. Trying not to gag, Alois followed his orders. Sitting on the old man's lap, he prayed that his knife wouldn't be found. The old man licked his lips and began kissing poor Alois' face. His breath smelled of scotch and his hands began roaming. Shivering, Alois forced himself to kiss the old man back. Keeping him distracted, Alois slowly pulled the knife from the back sash. "Shall we proceed to the bed my pet?" the old man purred. Alois' face scrunched into disgust and he smiled wickedly at the old earl.

            "Not today you old perv!" Raising the knife high in the air, Alois brought it down and stabbed the earl in the back of the neck. Gasping for air, the old man tried to pry Alois off of him. Digging the knife in deeper, Alois tried his best to stay on.

             "You damned filthy child!" Enraged, Alois ripped the knife out and began stabbing the earl's chest. The man began screaming as blood poured out of him. Finally, Alois found his old wretched heart and stabbed it multiple times. Blood splattered all over him as he kept stabbing and stabbing. All his hatred and humiliation went into the stabs, as he saw the old earl's eyes go blank, he laughed macanically. Stopping, he felt the body go limp. Just as he planned, he heard the butlers and maids rushing to the room. Getting off of the dead man, he moved him to the floor. Act like you actually lost something. Alois thought.

            The maids opened the room to find their master dead and an Alois bawling his eyes out with blood covering him.

            "He's dead! Someone murdered him!" Alois sobbed into the dead man's chest. A brave maid tried prying Alois off of the man, but to keep up the act, Alois slapped her hand away.  "No! Don't touch him!" Man I’m so good! One of the butler's came and dragged Alois away. Kicking and screaming, Alois demanded to be put down. Locking him up in his room, they made the boy take a bath. When the coast was clear, Alois sat in the warm bath and began laughing.

            "Now that he's out the way, I can go off to boarding school. Maybe try to be a normal boy for once." Aloes laughed to himself. "Who am I shitting? Like I’ll ever be normal. Hope that boarding school can contain me." Alois smiled to himself.   

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