Chapter 7

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Alois stared at the teacher with interest. His bright blue eyes twinkled as he looked at Ciel, who was slumping in his chair. Before the mischievous blonde could do anything, the teacher rapidly turned around after writing his name in perfect script on the board.

"Ok, I would like each one of you to get up, stand in front of the class and introduce yourself! I want to know your name, age, likes and dislikes!" Monsieur Druitt exclaimed happily. Ciel sighed aloud and pouted a bit.

"Lovely..." He mumbled under his breath.

"Let's start with this row!" Alois smiled widely when he noticed it was Ciel's row going first. As Ciel realized it was his row, he growled. Just what he wanted...One by one each boy got up and introduced himself. Ciel made note of each one and wrote them down. He didn't care if his fingers were getting some ink on it; these were important notes as to what his potential competition will be like. Off in his own little world again, Ciel was unaware that it was his turn to go up. Alois rolled his eyes as everyone stared at Ciel. Crumbling some paper from his desk, he threw it at Ciel. It successfully hit the boy right on the head and caused him to look up.

"You blonde twit! What was that for?" He yelled. Alois tried his best not to laugh as Ciel realized the whole class was looking at him. He began slumping in his chair slowly.

"I believe it is your turn dear." The teacher said with a smile. Despite his red face, Ciel walked with his head held high. He felt all the eyes on him as he proceeded to the front of the classroom. Clearing his throat, his eyes subconsciously looked for a certain blonde in the classroom. Once he saw Alois, they made eye contact. Alois seemed to smile and made a heart using both hands. Eye twitching, he mentally cursed himself for even looking for that moron. "You may begin."

"M-my name is Ciel Phantomhive." His classmates began to whisper among themselves which caused Ciel to become more nervous than he already was. He was never that good at talking in front of crowds. Again, he found Alois. Why did he keep looking back at that blonde fool anyway? Alois nodded his head and mouthed 'go on'. "I-I'm currently 12 years old. Um, I like reading books in silence and I dislike..." Ciel tried to think of something he disliked. His mind decided to blank out on him and he felt his face turn redder. Why was life so cruel to him? Alois looked around the room as if to help out but all he did was twirl around. It looked like he was dancing... "Dancing. I dislike dancing." He blurted out. As red as he could be, he bowed. "Hope we all get along." Ciel looked at the ground and walked to his seat as fast as he could. That was absolutely horrid...He felt something small hit the side of his face. Alois... He mentally groaned as he turned to face him. Alois smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up. For whatever reason, that small gesture made Ciel smile a tiny bit. More boys continued to make their way up and introduce themselves. Ciel gave up on taking notes and settled to just listening to his classmates for once. Finally it was Alois' turn. The blonde practically jumped out of his chair and bounced his way to the front. Ciel raised an eyebrow as Alois flashed a big smile at everyone.

"Hi!~ My name is Alois Trancy. Nice to meet you all!" He giggled a bit as he heard people whisper in the same fashion for Ciel. Rumors sure fly by fast in this school doesn't it. "I dislike being alone in the dark and one like that I have is..." Alois looked at Ciel and did his usual mischievous smile. Ciel began shaking his head. "Ciel Phantomhive. That is all!" He skipped to his seat as everyone began to whisper about his outburst. Ciel wanted a hole to magically appear and swallow him whole. It was already bad enough that he managed to embarrass himself but now Trancy added more to it! Groaning, he tried to become small in his seat. Just when I thought Alois was a decent human being...Damnit! When do these classes end anyway? Ciel thought to himself.

"My, my! Such lovely, unique boys we have in this class! I look forward to teaching you about the beauty of French." Monsieur Druitt gushed which caused Ciel to roll his eyes. Like I want to learn how to speak French. Ciel thought to himself. On the bright side, I can use it to gain a branch in France. Poor Ciel didn't feel Alois' stare. The blonde certainly didn't realize he was staring either. It just...happened. There was something about Ciel that made Alois so interested in him. Whatever it was, Alois didn't care since he won't be as bored as he originally thought he would have been; now, he had a possible friend...and obviously a play toy. He smiled to himself at the thought. A loud bell was rung which snapped Alois and Ciel from their daydreams.

"Finally!" Ciel said quietly. No way was he going to attract any more attention to himself. As he began gathering his things, Alois screamed out his name. So much for that. Ciel rolled his eyes as he groaned under his breath.

"Ready for fencing?" Alois smirked. "I haven't fenced in a while! I hope I'm not rusty." Ciel tried to walk away from the blonde but it didn't work. Alois caught up to his speed within seconds and kept it.

"I do enjoy fencing." Alois paused to learn a bit more about Ciel. He rarely spoke about himself. "My fiancé, Lizzie, she's fantastic at fencing and using swords. If only I can have half her talent." Alois raised an eyebrow.

"Fiancé?" Ciel looked at him from the side and nodded.

"Yes…I have one. Don't you?" Alois began walking faster. "You don't? What type of parent or guardian did you have?" For once, Alois felt kind of annoyed at Ciel for once.

"Look, I don't have one okay? My guardian…" Alois stopped to look Ciel in the eyes. Ciel was taken aback by the intense look the blonde gave him. For some reason, Ciel felt his heart begin to race. Alois wanted to say something but he broke the stare and began walking. "I'll tell you in due time. For now, don't worry about it." As Alois continued to walk to the next class, he couldn't stop his racing heart.

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