Chapter 4

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Alois walked into the hallway where he saw Ciel storm off. He grabbed his chest. The blonde felt bad. Yes, Alois Trancy felt bad for once. Maybe, he shouldn't had done that to poor Ciel. Sighing, Alois wanted to apologize to Ciel but he wanted to let the brunette cool off. Sighing, Alois walked towards the cafeteria. While walking there, he saw a mysterious cloaked man walk past him. The blonde felt a shiver go down his spine and turned around to find no one near him. Alois had a really bad feeling about that man. Something didn't seem...right. It may be Halloween but being that covered was very suspicious. Biting his lip, he slowly walked back to the cafeteria. Something bad was going to happen but Alois didn't know what.

Ciel woke up with a pounding head. Groaning, Ciel tried opening his eyes but it felt sewed shut. He wanted to rub them but he realized his hands were tied together. This sent Ciel into a state of panic. He managed to widen his eyes though it hurt like hell. Growling aloud, he tried freeing himself from his damned binds.

"For the love of God, this is fucking ridiculous." Ciel said aloud as he grew more and more frustrated with his bindings. He heard the sound of feet shuffling on the floor and stopped. "Who the hell is there? Untie me at once!" Ciel yelled into the direction of the shuffling. Chuckling, a masked man came out from the shadows.

"My, how feisty you are Ciel Phantomhive." a deep voice replied. Ciel repressed his urge to attack blindly at this mysterious man. Ciel began biting his lip as he tried to think of a way to get out of here. The strange man stepped closer to Ciel. "You truly are beautiful up close Ciel." Ciel scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Are you one of the damned pigs that murdered my parents years ago?" Ciel growled. The man smiled.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." The man's smile widened. Rubbing Ciel's face, the man stared at Ciel. The man's eyes were he only thing that Ciel could see, otherwise, the rest of the face was covered. Ciel moved his head out and away from the touch of this stranger's hand.

"Don't touch me!" Ciel yelled. Seconds later, Ciel felt his left side stinging.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! You are mine. Got it? I own you now." Ciel's eyes widened and he tried getting up.

"Someone! Help me!" Ciel screamed on the top of his lungs. "Help! Help!" The man growled as he grabbed Ciel's collar and slapped him several times in the face.

"Shut up! I said, shut up!" Ciel finally quieted down and for once, prayed that someone would save him.

As Alois walked closer and closer to the cafeteria, his instincts were screaming at him to turn back. He was biting inside his cheek ferociously to the point that it bled a bit. Several boys saw him and mistaken him for a maid. Of course, Alois blew a kiss to the boys just to mess with them. When no one was around, Alois ran back to the direction he was from. Lifting up the dress, Alois ran as fast as he could. Reaching the hallway he was in before, he swore he heard screaming of some kind. Furrowing his brows, he tried his best to find the source. He could barely make out the words. Someone help me. Widening his eyes, he ran to the source. He couldn't see any doors but the screaming was coming from the other side of the wall. HELP ME! HELP ME! Alois recognized the voice and realized it was Ciel. Panicking, Alois began groping the walls for a crack, or something that would open some trap door that would lead him to Ciel.

"Ciel! Hold on!" Alois screamed into the wall. Alois heard slapping and kicking and tried even harder to find an opening. He began to hear fabric ripping. In a state of panic, Alois picked up a bunt object and smashed it onto the wall. Over and over again, he used all the strength he had and smashed at the wall. Finally, a dent the size of his fist appeared. Alois threw the blunt object aside and began ripping the wallpaper and wall apart. Clawing his way in, Alois heard soft crying. His Ciel is in danger. Taking a step back, Alois kicked the wall. A crack formed and Alois tackled it with the strength of two men. The room was pitch dark besides the occasional candle lights. Looking around, Alois tried to find Ciel.

"Ciel? Where are you?" Alois said loudly. He heard sniffling in a corner and turned around. There, he saw Ciel on the floor, crying. Most of his clothes had been ripped off, and it seemed like there were bruises on his body. "Ciel…" Crouching down, Alois tried to move Ciel. Sensing movement, Ciel cringed and moved back. "Ciel, Ciel. It's me, Alois." Ciel stared at Alois a bit wide-eyed but eventually relaxed a bit.

"A-Alois! Run." Ciel whispered. "He's still in here." Alois felt Ciel trembling a bit.

"No, Ciel. I'm getting you out of here." Alois took part of his dress off and wrapped it around Ciel. Alois couldn't believe this already happened and it wasn't even a damn day yet. "You sure have a lot of people wanting you, huh Ciel." Alois tried lightning up the situation but he didn't even believe himself. Finally covering Ciel up, he picked up the boy. He was very light for a boy. "Ok Ciel, we're walking out of here and getting you patched up."

"Oh no, you're not." A deep menacing voice called out from the darkness. Alois turned around to try to face the man but the room was too dark. Cursing under his breath, Alois made an attempt to escape. He was near the door when it suddenly closed in front of his face.

"Fuck!" Alois yelled and kicked the door. Looking around, Alois put Ciel down somewhere where it looked like the brunette would be safe. "Don't make a sound and don't come out till the door is open. Once it is, you better run." Alois barely whispered aloud to Ciel. Ciel looked at Alois with a questioning gaze.

"Children…where are you?" the deep voice called. Alois took off his dress and covered Ciel. Alois didn't have a shirt on but he luckily had pants. Taking out a hidden knife, Alois looked at Ciel one last time and nodded.

"Right here, you fucking bastard." Alois growled.

"Ah, Alois Trancy. Long time no see!"

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