Chapter 8

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Ciel tried to walk next to Alois but he was too fast. I wish I had my growth sprut already. Ciel thought to himself as he looked at Alois' long, exposed legs. A blush crawled onto Ciel's face as he looked away. Shameless boy showing off his legs. The walk was in silence ever since Alois said he would tell Ciel about his past one day. Even if he didn't know the boy for that long, he never seen him so serious. The sound of clashing metal was heard.

"Oh! It looks like we found the fencing room." Ciel tried to smile but Alois didn't pay attention to him. The blonde walked into the fencing room and smiled a bit.

"Ah, how I missed fencing." Ciel looked at Alois then back at the room. They seemed to be late since someone was already dueling. Claude spotted them from across the room. His golden eyes made Ciel feel uncomfortable.

"Stop." His face calmly yelled out. "Our new student have arrived. I want you to make them feel welcomed." Just like in French class, all of the eyes staring at Ciel made him feel like an insignificant bug under a magnifying glass. Alois seemed to return to his bubbly nature and grabbed Ciel's wrist.

"Hi Claude!~" Alois waved as he walked closer to the teacher. Ciel felt his face grow red again. Claude merely sighed and pushed his glasses back.

"Class, this is Alois Trancy and the boy next to him is Ciel Phantomhive." There were some new faces Ciel didn't recognize but he managed to hold his head high despite the blonde holding his wrist still.

"Let go you bloody twit." Ciel whispered. The class began to murmer before Ciel ripped his wrist free. Alois looked at him from the side and pouted slightly.

"Bonjour class! Hope we get along." Alois yelled. Claude grabbed some fencing outfits and tossed them to the boys.

"Suit up. Did you have any prior experience to fencing?" Alois shot his hand up.

"I did! Unfortunately I haven't fenced in a year so I'm a bit rusty." Alois flashed a cutesy smile which did affect the stoic teacher. Claude looked at Ciel with those unsettling golden eyes.

"And you Phantomhive?" Ciel looked at Alois then back at Claude. Why must he blank out so much? Ciel began to curse himself in his head.

"I-I had some classes before coming here." The boy managed to spit out. Claude raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"I see. The dressing room is over there." He pointed to a corner with a dark wooden door. "Once you come back we will start warm-ups. For now there will be a short break." The class cheered a bit and began to chat. Once again, Alois grabbed onto Ciel's wrist and dragged him to the dressing room.

"Why are you always grabbing my wrist like a damn child?" Ciel yelled at Alois. Alois only giggled and pushed Ciel in the dark room.

"Because you're like a child to me Ciel! I just want to pinch your cheeks all the time!" Ciel immediately went to touch his cheeks as a blush crept onto his face.

"Hmph, whatever you damn blonde twit." Alois giggled and went to one corner of the room. Ciel looked at him with wary eyes. Raising an eyebrow, Alois scoffed.

"I'm not going to do anything." Ciel nodded his head and turned around. "This time." Ciel turned around to see Alois right in front of him.

"When in the bloody hell did you-?" Alois pressed his lips onto Ciel's. His lips were warm and soft compared to Ciel's slightly chapped lips. Alois dropped his fencing uniform and grabbed Ciel's waist closer to his. Ciel didn't know what to do at all. He tried to push Alois away but he couldn't. Or maybe…he didn't want to…Ciel gasped at the idea but that was the perfect opportunity for Alois to slip his tongue in. His tongue began to roam everywhere in Ciel's mouth. He began pulling at Ciel's tongue when he finished exploring. Something about that boy made him want to constantly hug him and kiss him. The attraction was insane. Ciel closed his eyes and tried to ignore his body responding to the blonde's tongue. Alois pulled back and looked at Ciel directly in the eyes. Ciel was beginning to lose himself in those bright blue eyes. As Alois began to go in for another kiss, Ciel felt his body losing to urge to resist. For once, he just wanted to lose himself.

"Ciel…" Alois whispered his name in his ear. Shivers ran down Ciel's spine and butterflies began to flutter in his stomach. It's happening again…my heart is racing in my chest. Alois' hands began to slide under his shirt as the blonde pressed his lips onto Ciel's once more. Alois kept kissing Ciel on the lips slowly over and over again. Ciel was getting impatient with the teasing and smashed his lips onto Alois'. The blonde's eyes widened in shock but slowly closed his eyes and just went with the flow. Not bad for a rookie… Alois thought to himself. Their lips began to mesh together as things were getting more heated. Alois was clawing at Ciel's shirt. With a bite on the lip, Ciel granted Alois permission to invade his mouth once more. It was obvious that Alois was the more dominant one but Ciel was not going to back down. Both their tongues began to fight for dominance. Ciel ripped his shirt off and began tugging at Alois'. Throwing it to the floor, Alois began to push Ciel into the wall. Ciel wrapped his arms around Alois neck so they could go deeper but there was a cough. Both boys opened their eyes wide and jumped ten feet away from each other.

"I see we're enjoying ourselves." Claude said as he pushed those annoying glasses up. Ciel felt his face turn completely red. What just happened there… Ciel said as he covered his face in embarrassment. Even Alois was too embarrassed to say anything. Both boys went to separate corners and began to put on their fencing outfits. Claude sighed. "There's no need now." Ciel looked up.

"What? Why?" Ciel asked as he was putting a shirt on. Claude raised an eyebrow and shook his head in agitation.

"The reason is because class is almost over. If you two weren't…goofing off, something might've been taught. Do not let me catch you again." Both Alois and Ciel looked at their feet.

"Yes sir." They said in unison. As Claude left both boys were left in an awkward silence.

"You know Ciel…"

"What is it now…" Ciel snarled.

"You're not that bad for a rookie kisser." Alois winked at Ciel.

"I'll get you Trancy!" Ciel screamed as Alois ran out of the locker room like a madman. Ciel wiped his lips once again and blushed a darker color. For some reason, he couldn't get the taste of that blonde out of his mouth.

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