Chapter 12

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As Sebastian began to walk away, Alois stared at the man's back. Something wasn't right here. Why would there be a murder? Why here and why now? Ciel was still in Alois' arms, trembling in fear. He was in a complete state of shock, not really seeing that sort of gruesome image for years. Not since his parents passed away. Alois held on to him and tried to guide him away. The crowd pretty much has cleared off by then. It was only them two. Ellian disappeared somewhere. Nothing made sense to both of them right now.

"C-Ciel, we best go back to our room…" Alois suggested. Ciel looked at him with wide doe eyes. It made Alois a bit nervous. He never saw Ciel like this. He was always the stronger one, or rather the more stable one. With a slight nod, Alois guided Ciel back to their room. The walk was in silence. No one wanted to talk about it but it haunted the air around them. There was so many questions that needed to be answered. Who was that boy? Why him? Why that way? Where was Ellian? As Alois opened the door, he made sure Ciel was resting on the bed comfortably. Ciel's large dark blue yes stared at the ceiling. Alois has no idea what was going through his mind but he knew it was best not to ask. Sighing, he sat on the edge of Ciel's bed and studied the situation. Things were getting interesting. It certainly didn't help that Sebastian was acting strange. His smile was too sneaky; too full of secrets to be ignored. It puzzled him. The whole situation with Ellian wasn't helping either. He just slipped out of the crowd without saying a word. Alois put his head in his hands and sighed. "Too much." He muttered to himself. He just wanted a normal day with Ciel. For once. The blonde knew trouble was brewing and he certainly didn't want Ciel getting hurt from it.

"Alois?" Ciel said quietly. Alois turned and looked at him. "Can you come over here?"

"Why?" Alois furrowed his eyebrow in confusion. Ciel quickly grew annoyed and sighed.

"Just get over here Trancy." Ciel spat out. Slowly, Alois got on the bed and crawled over to Ciel. Before he could say more, Ciel pulled him down and snuggled up to him. "I just need someone here right now." He whispered sadly. "I want to forget for a while." Feeling his breath on his neck, Alois blushed a bit and nodded.

"I'll be right here." Alois whispered back. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. As much as Alois wanted this, it made him sad. Ciel only wanted this because he needed comfort. Obviously, he was the only person around. Alois wanted Ciel tp be held in his arms lovingly. Not like this…Alois moved till he was right next to Ciel and opened his arms. A blush crossed both of the boy's pale faces as their bodies came together in a small cuddle. Ciel buried his face in Alois' chest and sighed.

"You're very warm." He whispered. Alois simply nodded, not sure how to go about this whole situation. It felt weird being this close and this intimate after what they both just saw. "Can we stay like this for a while?" Ciel asked. Alois wrapped his arms around the skinny boy and smiled sadly.

"Yes, if you want." They didn't look at each other nor did they say anything. Silence engulfed them but it wasn't suffocating. Surprisingly, it was relaxing. For a while they didn't have to worry about anything; no school, no murder; no Ellian. Nothing. Ciel was resting his head on Alois' chest. He could hear the steady heart beat pounding in his ear. It was melting away every thought he had in his mind. His eyes were beginning to close but he felt Alois move. Alois was beginning to cramp up due to the position he was in but also, he pulled Ciel up more gently. Confused, the smaller boy looked, clearly not happy with being moved.

"What are you doing Trancy?" He asked. Alois simply smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Ciel didn't know what to do but he leaned in as well. God, what are you doing? He thought once he felt the other's lips on his. Alois pulled them closer and tilted his head a bit. Ciel felt his whole face heat up but couldn't stop himself. Wrapping his arms around Alois, he pulled them as close as possible. Shocked, Alois tried to put some distance between them but it wasn't working. Ciel was determined to keep them close. With that delightful note in the blonde's head he pulled away only to nibble on Ciel's lower lip. Breathing heavily, Ciel opened his mouth slightly, just enough for Alois to slip his tongue in and play with Ciel's. Both boys were now red in the face and losing breath quickly. They never realized how much both of them craved this. It's been months since something like this happened. Alois' hands began to roam just as Ciel's hands were clinging on to Alois. How much closer could they get? Both of them stopped long enough to catch their breath. Panting, they looked at each other; very confused about this whole situation. Ciel looked down to their tangled legs. Did he really like Alois or was this a desperate need for affection and human contact? Alois was pretty much the only one that gave him a lot of attention in any sort of way.

"Ciel?" Alois asked gently. Looking up, Ciel realized he couldn't look Alois in the eye anymore. "Is something wrong?" Before Ciel could tell a small white lie, they heard a knock on the door. Turning their heads quickly, they felt their hearts race as they realized the current state they were in. They tried to detangle themselves from each other but wound up falling on the floor. Alois laid on his back, trying not to move since he hit his head pretty hard. Ciel was right on top just as the door opened.

"Ciel? Alois? Are you guys okay? I heard-" Ellian opened the door and walked in. Both boys had messy hair and looked at Ellian like frightened deer on the road. He froze in the spot and drank in the scene before him. Ciel tried to talk but only stuttered words were falling out.

"It's- Um, well, This is…" Alois smirked mischievously. Grabbing Ciel, he planted a small kiss on him.

"It's exactly what you think it is Ellian, old chap." As he stood there gapping angrily, he inhaled and tried to relax. Ciel looked at Alois and quickly scrambled off of him.

"Is there, um," Ciel cleared his throat and tried to make himself look presentable. "Anything you needed?" Ellian exhaled and smiled brightly. Walking near Ciel happily, he nodded.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to get dinner with me!" Alois got up and rolled his eyes.

"Don't we already do that?" He asked in annoyance. Ellian ignored Alois' annoyance and continued on.

"Yes, but it's still nice to ask! I have manners unlike some people…" The taller blonde squinted his eyes at Ellian and scoffed. He wanted to say something, it was on the tip of his tongue but Ciel looked at Alois and knew he had to stay quiet. With a huff, Alois let it go. Ellian clapped happily. "Let's go then!"

"Now?" Ciel asked. He looked at the clock and realized it was nearly six in the evening. Did time really fly by that fast? Without letting anyone reply, Ciel said, "Let's go. I am famished…" Alois dusted himself off and made sure he was on Ciel's right. Ellian followed after them, knowing something happened. Something he wished didn't happen. As they chattered in front, Ellian was thinking. He hadn't made a move in months. After the whole incident earlier, he didn't know what to do. Ellian wanted to comfort Ciel but he got lost in the crowd. He never saw anything like that before. Thinking about it now just makes him sick to his stomach.

"Ellian, you okay? Look a bit green in the face." Looking up, Ellian say Alois raise an eyebrow. They arrived to the dining hall. Ciel looked on with concern.

"Oh, ah, yes. I'm fine." He forced a laugh. "Just thinking is all." Alois shrugged and walked into the hall with both boys behind them. There wasn't a lot of people for once. It was close to empty; a few boys scattered here and there, looking sullen. Alois felt uncomfortable but tried his best not to show it.

"At least we don't have trouble looking for somewhere to sit." He said. Ciel looked down and nodded. He wasn't enjoying the atmosphere in here. As they continued to get their dinner and settled in, Sebastian crept his way into the hall with Claude right behind him. Alois noticed immediately as those golden eyes mesmerized him. Ciel looked up and noticed. Sebastian gave him a sly smile as he walked closer and closer to their table. Ellian panicked but Alois nor Ciel saw.

"Guys, I think we should leave." Ellian whispered.

"And why is that Ellian Milford?" Claude asked.

"Sebastian?" Ciel asked.

"Evening." His smiled grew. Alois remembered that smile all too well. He was hiding something. Ellian tried to seem calm but couldn't find himself to do it.

"Is there anything you need here?" Ciel asked casually. Claude fixed his glasses and was about to answer but as always, Sebastian cut him off.

"Yes, we need to speak to Ellian for a while." Claude sighed in annoyance.

"Is he in trouble or something?" Alois snickered. The look on Claude's face made him clear his throat.

"In fact, he is." Clause said. "He's not who he claims to be."


Hey guys! Long time no see...Literally. I swear I update this story just...not on here...I'm terribly sorry about that! I still hope you enjoyed it C: Tell me how it is! I love feedback <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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