Chapter 13: Black and White

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I followed Sinbad using my Shadow spell. I became one with his shadow.
I knew it.......
He had Ja'far make Ka Koubun leave the princess alone while he made a move on her.
"Ass hole...." I said and it sounded like an echo to him and he looked all around him but didn't see anyone.
"God...please forgive me for what I'm about to do.....Lia is gonna kill me if she finds out....." And I gave off an extremely murderous aura and he shivered.
He walked over the Kougyoku(drunk AF) and gave her a glass of water.
"Sinbad!" Kougyoku beamed.
"I was worried about you if you were enjoying the banquet princess..." Sinbad began.
"You sure?" I said in my mind.
"Ah yes, I'm enjoying it a lot! But I've gotten a little drunk....." she explains.
In that case, how about going together to refresh ourselves with the night breeze?" He takes her hand and takes her up the stairs where you can get a nice view of the stars.
Also where the fountain is.
"..............I'm going to drown you Sinbad." I mumbled.
"Is it me or does the air feel somehow colder?" Kougyoku said and Sinbad went pale.
"Never mind that princess.." and the air went even colder.
"Umm....King Sinbad?!" She points to the far corner and Sinbad went pale when he saw Snow and Frostwing.
"Grrrrrr.........." Snow growls at him and walks beside Kougyoku.
Frostwing lands on her shoulder and nuzzles his cheek on to her.
"Snow, Frostwing, it's alright." Kougyoku pets her head and Snow nuzzles her hand, and nuzzles her cheek with Frostwing but both glare at Sinbad.
They continue walking but this time with Snow right beside Koug and Frostwing on her shoulder.
They stopped walking.
"This is quite mysterious....." Sinbad began.
"Huh?" Kougyoku looked at him confuse.
"The way we met and the situation during that time was absolutely not friendly. If it continues on like this, things will go back to being just like that time......." Sinbad said as his back faced her.
Kougyoku eyes widened and looked solemnly to the ground. Sinbad squeezes her hand.
"But right now, we can hold hands like this." He smiled at her.
"The lady killer of the seas strikes again......." I face palm.
"Grrrrrr!!!!" Now Snow and Frostwing are really ready to kill him.
He backs away a little and Koug giggles.
"It would be nice if such happiness could last forever but.." Sinbad gives her a close eye smile.
Koug face is flushed.
"Be wary of him....." It sounded like and echo to her and she looked all around her.
Sinbad looked at her confuse.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"No, it's just that.....I thought someone called my name.
"Then, if you'll excuse me." He began to walk away.
"U-Um...Sinbad! I also...I also think it should last forever as well!!" He yells.
He looks back at her and smiles then leaves. But before he does...
"That's why......!! PLEASE TAKE CARE AND WATCH OVER LIA!! SHE LOVES YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF HER!!" She yells and his head snaps her direction looking at her with wide eyes.
I'm beyond shock at what I just heard.
"That's a promise I don't intend to break!" Sinbad smiles at her.

After a few minutes of walking. He is already far away. I came out of his shadow and went into Ja'far who was approaching him.
"You are a bad man Sinbad." Sinbad turned around and saw Ja'far approaching him.
"Indeed he is. Hitting on my friend." I mumbled and Ja'far looked all around him.
"Lia. I know you're out there. Come out." Ja'far said and Sinbad stiffened.
I didn't respond. I remained silent.
"Lia! Don't make me get you out!" He said more sternly and I giggled.
"Lia. Please come out." Sinbad walked and stood next to him.
"Come and find me." I giggled.
"At least say where you are......." Sinbad sighed.
I went back to Sinbad's shadow. I slow emerge from it, appear behind him and WHAM!!!
"AAAHH!!" Sinbad jumped when I tazed him.
"Hahahaha!! Should have seen the look on your face!" I laughed as I held my stomach.
"Lia!" Both yell at me.
"Ha.....sorry. I just wanted to have some fun." I wipe a tear from my eye and stand up straight.
"I saw everything." I looked at Sinbad and he stiffened.
I began to walk away.
"Lia wait!" He ran up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
He turned me around, but his eyes widened when my eye were full of anger, sadness and were void.
"We are not a pawn to your game. You have become a sly person. You achieved too many things and have become what you never wanted." I said monotony.
He flinched but I turned to him and cupped his cheek with my hand.
"But this is the path you chose. Things will inevitably change. You don't have a choice but to move forward. Sinbad......I trust you. I know you will make the right decision when the time comes. The least I can do is guide you." I say and hug him and lay my head on his chest.
"Lia........" he hugs me back.
"This is why you are the woman I love......" He says and lift my chin and kisses me.
I kiss him back. The kiss was getting deeper but....
"Ahem!" We both turn around.
We completely forgot Ja'far was here.
He was smirking at us.
"So when are you telling Lia about the ring?" He smirked.
And my face went 50 shades of red.
"I-I-I a-already know about it......." I mumbled and both look at me in shock.
"Y-Yamraiha and Suzuki told me its my engagement ring Sinbad gave me 13 years ago." My face turned even redder.
Ja'far faced palm and Sinbad sighed.
"So when is the wedding between you and Lorena?" I say to Ja'far and his face explodes to red.
Sinbad smirks at him with a smug face.
"So my theory was correct...." He smirked at him.
"Shut up both of you!" Ja'far yells about of us and we grin.
We head over to where the others are.
"But still....make a move on Kougyoku again and I'll kill you." I smiled at Sinbad and he shivered.
I see Hakuryuu and run over to him.
"Haku!" I yell at him and I tackled him.
"Oomph!! Lia!" He laughed and I giggle and help him get up.
He sees Sinbad walk up to us.
"King Sinbad!" He smiles at him.
"Be wary of him." I told him telepathically and he nods.
"How was was the dungeon?" Sinbad asked.
Both then talk about what Hakuryuu learned and that his feelings still remain the same when he spoke with him. Sinbad say that right now they to not wish to fight the Kou empire. Hakuryuu says that it doesn't have to be right now, and that if Sinbad will be someone he can count on when the time is right. Sinbad says alright and they shake hands. I glare at Sinbad and he sweat drops. He then turns to leave and I stay with Haku.
"Urgh!!" Hakuryuu grabs his hand in pain.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?" Sinbad turns around and I look at him in worry.
Haku says he's alright and it was just a minor injury. Then.....his right arm falls off.....
"UWAAAAAAHHHH??!?!?!" We both yell and Sinbad runs to us.
"What the hell?!" I scream and Isabel, Aladdin, and Alibaba get in battle stance next to Sinbad.
The actual hand falling in person is terrifying!!
Hakuryuu arm then becomes black and out emerges Ithan. No one recognized him until he made the clothing he usually wears appear on him. Right when he was going to attack the citizens.
"HIKARIKU!!!(Holy shield!!)" I casted a borg on every citizen in the country.
"Impressive I must say.....Rakujima..." he smiles at me.
Sharrkan then attacks him and cuts him in pieces but he spilt into four monsters four monsters. Two aim at Isabel and Aladdin, and the other two at Sinbad and Alibaba.
Both destroy them but.
"MOVE!!!!!" I run to both of them and push them but the blood still got on them but....
"LIA!!!" Both Isabel and Aladdin screamed when they saw me.
Everyone's eyes widened in horror when they saw it got all over my back, half my face, and half my body.
"So only the three magi noticed...." he grins then...
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" We turn around and see Aqua grabbing her left eye.
Masrur runs over to her but was knocked away by a black force.
"You will not escape our fathers gift this time Aquamarine." He grins wickedly as Lorena runs up to her and djiin equips into Swana.
"Spirit of Knowledge and Health, become one with me and cleanse all souls with you ancient tears of life and wisdom! SWANA!!!" Lorena yells and djiin equips.

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