Part 2

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Jessica's pov

I couldn't believe that months ago I was dreading going back to Shield. I was scared that they were just going to hide secrets from me but I knew at the end of the day, it was for the best. All they wanted to do was protect me, I knew that all along but my mind was blocked by the disease of a man called Ward. I'm glad he's gone, I finally got the chance to move on.

Coming back to Shield was the best thing that happened to me. Coulson let me go into the field with the team now, I even got my gun back. I was sensible though, I knew when I had to shoot or hold back. When I first come back I was a mess, I couldn't stop crying and I thought I hit rock bottom. I killed a man that destroyed our lives and I didn't know whether to feel bad about it or a ecstatic. Daisy was a big help again, she helped me regain my strength and confidence to make me who I am today. Strong, a little fierce but most of all focused. My head was finally clear and I was thankful that I could do that within a few months. I also met the fog who is now known as Mark. He said that he thought I truly cared about his wellbeing which steered him in the right direction of joining Shield. Daisy helped him, she helped him control his abilities so he didn't have to hurt anyone. Mark was a sweet guy when you got to know him, he wanted what was best for everyone.

Shield has been tracking down inhumans over the last few months. I only joined them on the missions about a month back. We've recruited a girl name Haylee who can control emotions or make you feel certain emotions. When we found her she was a state, we found out that by making someone feel one emotion would make her feel the opposite. So, when she made someone feel happy? She'd be sad, depressed and alone. I knew that feeling, which is why I was the one to speak to her and help her.

I was more of the talking type on the missions. We would go in as a team and they'd always have my back but if I had to persuade someone to join Shield, I'd do it within a heartbeat. Maybe I just had a face that you could trust but it seemed to work.

"How are you holding up?" Bobbi approached me as I chucked my stuff into the locker. Bobbi was sweet, I knew her and my brother had something going on and she always seemed to check up on me and help me if I needed it.

"Good. Which is strange to say" I chuckled slightly.

"You're nothing like your brother, which is a good thing by the way" She smiled as she sat down on the bench.

"Hunter's an ass and a good one at that. He's just protecting us, he cares about us which could be a good thing and a bad thing" I shrugged sitting next to her, she nodded in agreement.

"He's been a lot better since you've been back. You can tell"

"Yeah, he's not being stupid and reckless" I laughed.

"He's been focused just like you" I smiled slightly, the thought of helping the team with just my company was amazing. Whilst I was here, Hunter was happy which meant he could do the missions properly. "You've made a lot of progress, I know Coulson's pleased with you"

"Good. I'm just doing what I can" I whispered as she stood up nodding.

"Ethan's waiting in the canteen for you. I wish Hunter would make me a coffee for when I get back. You're a lucky lady" She laughed as she walked off leaving me smiling like an idiot.Ethanwas my life, I met him through Shield and I was glad I did. Shield recruited him for fieldwork and as soon as he entered the Base, me and Daisy checked him out and liked what we see. He had short blonde hair which brought out his baby blue eyes.  He was a dream guy you'd see in magazines.  Luckily for me, Daisy already had a boyfriend called Lincoln who in all honesty, scared the crap out of me. He could shoot electric through his hands! He seemed nice but I never wanted to shake his hand, or get on the wrong side of him.

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