Part 6

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A/N: I listened to Dance with The devil by Breaking Benjamin whilst writing this, I'd recommend it!

I had to dress up for a party, a formal party may I add. I had to wear a bloody long elegant dress which was black, I had to ask Daisy to do my hair and makeup- which she did a fantastic job on. I had my hair done up in a bun with curls hanging from the side, it was like I was going to a wedding and I was either the bride or bridesmaid, apart from the black dress of course.

I was in the car, being taken to the venue. After a few words with Coulson, Ethan made sure he was there with me and Ward. He didn't trust him with me on our own, I couldn't blame him. No one could trust Ward. We all had our ear pieces in, communicating back to Coulson for anything we find. Hopefully this party will be worth it, hopefully we find at least something about what Hydra is doing because Ward wouldn't cough up the information.

The car came to a halt and the driver opened the door for me, I slowly got out and thanked him before taking in the huge mansion that was in front of me. It was breathtaking, the lights on the outside made the mansion seem ward and lively, possibly making it bigger than it actually was. I was glad I got to see it at night but I did envy the owner. I made my way inside the door where I was greeted by a man waiting for me. I told him my name, fake name and he ticked it off the tablet he was holding- thank you Daisy for your hacking tools!

I entered which seemed like the ballroom where nearly everyone was dancing in pairs. The chandeliers hung from the ceiling, they were big enough to fit in my old room! The ballroom was bigger than my house! God what I would give to live here.

I took in the beauty of it all, all the decorations, all the small details getting everything down to the T. The host must want to impress somebody and they sure as hell have impressed me. 

"Hello, Mrs Parker" A voice came from behind me and I smiled when I realised it was Ethan. I turned around and faced him, taking in his beauty as well. He looked so good in a suit, smart and sexy. "May I say, you look as beautiful as ever"

"And hello Mr Jackson" I replied, bowing slightly. "You do look handsome yourself"

"Guys, act casual" Coulson sighed through the headset and we laughed between ourselves. A waiter came along and handed us both a flute of champagne which we gladly accepted. We might as well have fun whilst we're on the mission, surely?

"Spotted anything?" I whispered and he shook his head.

"The owner hasn't arrived yet, we need to wait patiently for him" I nodded and looked around, searching the room. There were a few guards hanging by the sides, keeping an eye on the crowd. Security reasons I suppose. "Are you looking for him?" Ethan asked and I turned back to him smiling.

"You said he hasn't arrived yet" 

"You know who I mean" He frowned slightly and my smile dropped. He meant Ward, he thought I was looking for Ward!

"No, I wasn't actually. I was checking the area, possible exits, threats and so on" I frowned and shook my head. "I haven't seen him"

"I know that to us that's a good thing but if he's done a runner-"

"He wouldn't" I assured him and he looked at me unsure. "He wouldn't leave me alone, trust me" I regretted that as soon as I said it.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked but then I heard soft piano music starting to play and I got distracted by all the people slow dancing.

"How about we enjoy this mission whilst we're stuck here?" I whispered so only we could hear. "Care to dance?" I smirked and his eyes widened as I got turned around and dragged to the dancefloor.

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