Part 9

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I opened my eyes slowly to see Daisy and Mack standing in front of me, they watched me, horrified as if I was a monster. My eyes lingered down to Mack's hand to reveal a gun, not aiming at me but ready to do so at any given time. I stood still, staring at them but my body shook, tears fell from my eyes.

"Daisy, what's going on" I whispered, already knowing the answer. I was covered with something, something dark that changed me. I felt different, weird. I didn't know what to do, what to say.

"Jess, you need to come with me okay?" She explained softly and I nodded. "I'll explain everything when we get down to the room"

" mean the cell" She shot me a pitiful look before she nodded and began walking, I followed her and Mack kept behind me making sure I followed her orders.

As we walked down the corridor to the cell, it was like I was doing the walk of shame. Everyone was watching me, keeping silent as I passed them. They all knew what had happened to me and they were all afraid. Daisy turned to me, not knowing what to say but she just gave me a sympathetic smile as we walked down to the white padded cell. She stepped in and I walked straight to the bed, sitting down trying to process it. 

"Mack, you can go now"

"Daisy we don't know-"

"I'll be fine" She told him and with hesitation, he left the room and shut the door leaving me and Daisy alone. I knew Coulson would be watching us from the cameras, monitoring our conversation and to see if anyone was in danger, it was better that way.

"What happens now" I asked, staring at the floor.

"Do you know what's happened to you Jess?" I kind of did but I needed conformation. "Your DNA has changed, I'm not sure how-"

"I'm inhuman. Don't soften the blow Daisy" I told her, I've seen it happen to someone before. They get covered in a rocky substance, break out of it and they have abilities. "Tell me what we do now" My eyes shot up and met hers.

"We keep you down here until we know what abilities you have" She put it bluntly and I just nodded.

"And tell me, am I dangerous?" I asked.

"We don't know yet but we can't take the risk"

"I don't want to hurt anyone Daisy, you're my family, if I even try to-"

"That's not an option" Coulson walked through the door and I stood up slowly.

"I'm not letting anyone get hurt because I can't control my powers!"

"You won't. We'll figure out what ability you have and Daisy will help you control it"

"Daisy, leave" I ordered her and she immediately left. "What if I can't control it?"

"Then you're a hypocrite. You told Ray yourself that anybody can, they just have to want it bad enough" Coulson smiled slightly, stepping forwards and I took a step back nearly falling back onto the bed.

"Coulson, don't come near me" I warned him and he stopped walking. "I don't want to hurt you and if I don't know what I can do, I can't guarantee that I won't use my abilities on you" Coulson stared at me confused, he seemed to sway slightly as he looked around the room.

"We need to find out what you can do Jess and then we can help you"

"How long will that take? How long will it be down here?" I asked, feeling like a prisoner all over again. "Tell me!"

"I don't know" He replied plainly. "You need to calm down Jess, with all that's happened, with Ethan and now this...You'll lose control"

"At least then il know what I can do!" I looked behind Coulson to see May standing there, watching us carefully.

"Coulson, Daisy needs to speak to you. It urgent" Coulson turned to her and as he walked past, she whispered something into his ear before he left us both alone.

"May?" I wiped my eyes and stared at her. I didn't often see May, it was strange. She started walking towards me, keeping her eyes locked with mine as she did so. "May dont"

"Why not Jess? Are you going to stop me?"

"I don't want to hurt anyone! Please! I don't know what I can do!"

"And we have a theory which may explain what you can do but I'm afraid I need to see so for myself" She told me as she got closer.

"Stop!" I shouted and she did, waiting for me. "What can I do!?" She seemed to struggle, I wasn't sure what she was trying to do but she tried putting all her strength into it.

"I won't tell you" I frowned at her, starting to get pissed off. Why was she being that way?

"May, God damn it just tell me what I can do!" I shouted and she smiled.

"You can control people, you tell them to do a certain action and they will, you tell them to tell the truth and they will"

"What" I blurted out, staring at her as she sighed.

"I needed to see for myself, when you told me to stop I did, I tried to fight it but I couldn't move. Then I wanted to refuse to let myself speak about your powers but when you ordered me to, the words fell out of my mouth" I stared at her, dumbfounded. My ability was to control? Was she joking?

"So I'm not dangerous?" That was the first thing to come out of my mouth. If I didn't have any inhuman strength, weird metal bending powers then surely I'm not dangerous?

"Well, you can be. If you tell someone to kill themselves for example...They will without hesitation" I watched her, horrified by the thought. What if I was joking around, told someone to bite me or punch someone and they did? What if I made someone kill a person because of what I told them!?

"What do I do" I whispered, sitting back down. "I don't want to order anyone around, I don't want to hurt anyone by my words" I rubbed my temples, trying to focus. "Wait, how did you figure out my powers?"

"When you ordered Daisy without knowing, she wanted to fight and she explained to me that she couldn't and that something was wrong. She told Coulson when he left the room and I was evidence"

"So I can make anyone do whatever I say?" I asked and she nodded. "May...Do ten starjumps" I watched as she obeyed and I smiled. I needed to lighten the mood, make myself feel a little better even if May hated me for it afterwards. I was in a bad place, I didn't want to say the wrong thing, especially not now. When she stopped jumping she glared  at me but hid a little smile. I think we were all grateful that I couldn't physically hurt anyone.

"If you keep that up il make sure I duct tape your mouth closed" I wasn't sure whether she was joking or not and I didn't want to find out. The doors opened and Coulson walked in slowly with Ward behind him, he dismissed May and walked up to me, leaning into my ear.

"Now you can find out about Hydra" He whispered into my ear. My powers would make Ward reveal all, this was the perfect opportunity. "We can finally get rid of him" He smiled at me and walked out of the room as Ward stared at me confused. It was like he didn't even know what was going on? He must've known about the change but my powers? He had no idea and wouldn't until it was too late.

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