Part 4

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We were all in cars, setting out for the mission for the inhuman. I was in the car with Ethan, Ward, Coulson and a May. Just to make things awkward there was me, Ethan and Ward in the back, Ethan was separating us luckily. I managed to calm down enough now so I could be near him without screaming or crying, I had to look strong even if I didn't feel it.

Coulson went over the plan, telling me that Ethan would stick by me and Ward would be close behind. Was that a good idea? Of course not but it was Coulsons orders and we'd obey. I had to get close enough to the inhuman to speak to him, convince him to join Shield but I couldn't do that by myself. The inhuman was obviously angry about something and all he had to do was poke me to break my neck, that's where Ethan and Ward come along, just incase he tries to hurt me. The rest of the team will be lurking in the shadows, aiming icers at him to hopefully create enough power to put him to sleep. Daisy would be behind him to use her powers to stop him from moving to close to me. We wanted to give him the easy option and to just walk with us but If push comes to shove, we'd put him down.

"I don't like this" Ethan muttered under his breath as he shook his head. I put my hand on his gently and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"None of us do but we have to do it"

"He keeps looking at you, I don't think he likes me very much" He chuckled and I glances at Ward who was watching us.

"Well, no one likes him so it doesn't matter if you get on his good side or not"

"You know, I can hear you" Ward sighed and I heard May huff.

"And we don't care" She replied loudly making me smile a little. It was like a family vacation, all of us stuffed in the car feeling awkward and looking forward to get out as soon as possible.

"I'm only here to protect Jess"

"Yes and if you try anything I'll let her shoot you" Ethan told him and I squeezed his hand gently.

"And if you try and get her killed I'll easily shoot you" Ward smiled at him and Coulson turned around looking at us.

"No one's shooting anybody. We're a team now. We look out for each other and focus on the mission. Anyway, we have icers so you wouldn't do much"

"It'd shut him up" I shrugged making Ethan chuckle although he tried to hide it. Coulson smiled slightly before turning around, he was trying to hide it and act professional but we all hated Ward, he deserved it.

"We're almost there" May whispered, slowing the car down ever so slightly.

"Where are the guards" Coulson asked himself as he looked around. We all looked forwards to see the gate to the city was open, looked like a bomb had opened it.

"Has he escaped?" I asked as May stopped the car.

"Hydra" Ward spoke up and we all got out of the car quickly. Ward and May walked round to Coulson and we stood there waiting for him to speak.

"I didn't think they'd act so fast" He whispered as the team pulled up in more cars. They all got out and walked over to Coulson. "Right, Hydras here and we need to act fast. You know what you have to do" We all nodded and started spreading out. Ward and Ethan kept close to me as we entered the main gates looking around. There were black cars inside the town, probably Hydras.

"We need him to see us" Ethan spoke out and Ward grabbed his gun, keeping it close to him as he scanned the area.

"We need to keep to the sides, hidden" We turned to him and as soon as Ethan saw the gun he aimed his at Ward.

"Ethan, calm" I whispered and he stared at me confused.

"You trust him with a gun?"

"No but I trust that he'll keep us safe. He knows if he pulls one wrong move he'll be shot"

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