Part 10

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"Jess?" Ward called out my name as I sat on the bed, studying him. He looked unsure about me but he didn't seem afraid, he should be. It was like something inside me clicked, like a switch. I had the power now, I had control, for once I knew that he wouldn't manipulate me but I would manipulate me, it was revenge. The change didn't seem like a bad thing anymore, I thought I'd be able to shoot lasers out of my eyes or become something strong but I had the power of words with me, I could hurt him physically but the most powerful thing and the best thing was the emotional damage I could cause if I felt like it.

"Sit next to me" I watched as he strolled over and sat next to me looking a bit puzzled. "Are you afraid of me Ward? Tell me honestly"

"No" He whispered, "I'm worried that's all"

"Worried?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You've been through a lot and with this happening to you, I'm not sure you can take anymore"

"I'm fine" I shrugged.

"No, you're not. You don't even know what you can do yet" I really wanted to tell him, maybe that'd scare him that he couldn't hide anything from me anymore but I wanted to play a game, let him slowly realise and freak out.

"Tell me, Do you really care about me?" I watched him carefully.

"Of course I do. That's why I'm here Jess"

"Then I need you to tell me, when you first kidnapped me, did you really like me?" I frowned, waiting for the answer.

"At first, no. But then I slowly developed feelings for you and now it's spiralled out of control" When he stopped talking he looked at me confused and then and at the camera.

"If you like me then you'll tell me what Hydras planning"

"You know I can't do that" his eyes lingered back to me and I frowned. Why didn't that work? He should have told me? Then I realised, I asked him, I didn't order him.

"Tell me what Hydras planning"

"They're abducting inhumans, experimenting on them to create an army. They plan to use them for Hydra agents to become unstoppable. They want to create more, change the humans without alien DNA in their blood so they'll become inhuman" His eyes widened as he stood up quickly. "Why..."

"Thank you" I shrugged and he stared at me, anger rising up inside of him.

"Why am I telling you all this? What did you do? Inject me?" He glared at the camera and Coulson was probably smiling behind it. He was telling us everything thanks to me.

"Because, I can make you do or tell me anything I want" I stood up and faced him. "You can't hurt any of us anymore, you can't manipulate us anymore. You're going to reveal your true self now Ward" I smirked as he took a step back, staring at me horrified. "Now tell me again, are you afraid?"

"Yes" He whispered as the door opened to reveal Coulson and Daisy, she was looking at me worried.

"Thank you Jess" Coulson smiled at me but I wasn't done.

"Leave. Don't let anyone come In until I'm ready" I ordered them and they closed the door leaving me and Ward alone again.

"Jess, I don't like what this has done to you..."

"Why? Because I'm in control for once? Because you have no power over me?"

"Because you seem dark. You seem like you're out for revenge and that'll destroy you!" He stepped towards me.

"Oh I wouldnt"

"You can hurt me, make me say anything or do anything but that won't keep me from my mission. I told you I'd protect you, even from yourself" He cupped my face and I stared at him confused.

"What? Why are you being like this? You should be afraid!" I frowned, tearing up slightly as he watched me with a hurt expression.

"You're on a high, realising that you have this power but you'll spiral out of control Jess.  You'll end up hurting someone you don't mean to"

"I can be respected now though" I whispered and he shook his head slowly.

"You already are but if you order people around to get what you want, they'll shun you" He whispered softly, slowly pulling me into a gentle hug.

"Why are you being nice to me, I made you tell me about Hydra so now you'll be locked up"

"Because I can't stay mad at you Jess. I love you, nothing will change that" He whispered in my ear before kissing my forehead. "I won't be here to protect you anymore though, you'll have to let Daisy help you and protect you" He pulled away and smiled softly. "Just promise me you'll stay true to yourself"

"I...I promise" I whispered, feeling weak and stupid. I definitely needed help to control my powers. I'm glad Ward talked some sense into me, I didn't want to change into someone I'm not. I turned to the camera and nodded, "I'm ready"

A few seconds later, Coulson walked in with Mack and a few guards who walked straight to Ward and handcuffed him.

"Well, this is finally goodbye" Coulson told Ward but he just kept his eyes on me. I felt a horrible, painful feeling appear in my stomach as I watched the guards begin to push Ward out of the room. I couldn't let him go, I was always moaning that Ward couldn't let me go but now...I didn't want to lose someone else.

"Wait! Stop!" I ordered and they all stopped, turning to me confused.

"Jess? What are you doing?" Coulson asked, looking a little nervous.

"I'm sorry but...You won't lock him up. You won't let anyone take him.  He's apart of the team now and it'll stay that way" I ordered Coulson who looked gobsmacked.  He couldn't believe what I was doing, I couldn't believe what I was doing. "Uncuff him now" The guards took the handcuffs off and Ward turned to Coulson, smiling slightly.

"She chose me" He whispered walking to my side. Coulson watched us both, looking terrified but betrayed.

"Jess, you can't do this" He shook his head and I sniffed back a few tears.

"I can and I will. I need this. I need him" I whispered. "Leave" The guards, Coulson and Mack left the room and I turned to Ward. 

"You didn't need to do that"

"I did it for me" I whispered, confusing him. "But, you being here has one condition. You will not manipulate anyone" He nodded slowly, accepting it.

"I'm glad I can stay. Now I know you'll be safe and if you ever lose control, il bring you back" He smiled, leaning in but I pushed him back.

"I'm not your lover. I'm a friend if I can even say that. I need you for support and protection, that's all" I whispered, seeing hurt fill his eyes. I wasn't sure why he expected me to fall into his arms again. Ethan just died, I wasn't going to move on that quickly! I had too many bad memories with Ward to forgive him and let myself love him but I knew that if I was ever in danger, he'd be there to save me, to keep me safe. I needed him on the team, out in the field with me even if the team hated me for it. I was being selfish, yes. That didn't happen often though.

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