Part 3

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I opened my eyes slowly and the first thing I saw was Ethan, he was the one I wanted to wake up to everyday, the first thing I'll always want to see. He was sleeping peacefully next to me until there was a knock at the door. He starred slightly and grumbled before he opened his eyes. The knocking became faster and quickly got up and dressed before opening the door. He nodded slightly to the person before closing the door and turning to me.

"Coulson wants us all in his office. Something important" He shrugged and I slowly got up slipping some new clothes on.

"Must be important if you can't have a lay in" I smirked at him and he pulled me up and towards the door. "Wait, does this mean I can't have my morning coffee?" I asked.

"If I can't have a lay in, you can't have your morning coffee. Which is bad for the team because you get real grouchy when you don't have coffee" He poked me in the side and I made a growling noise at him just to make him laugh.

"Working at Shield means I can't have lay ins and proper sleep so coffee is the only thing that keeps me going"

"The only thing?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled slightly.

"Well, maybe there's another thing. But I look forward to that all times of the day...not just in the morning and after a mission" I shrugged and he pecked my cheek gently.

As we approached Coulson's office I saw May standing outside, pacing. She shot me a worried glance which hit a nerve. Normally May would avoid showing any sort of emotion towards the team unless it was something bad. She gestured for us to go in and we did, keeping quiet. The whole team was in the room looking confused as Coulson and Mack stood together.

"We need to go after the inhuman now. Time is of the essence so il jump straight into it. He's strong, very strong and we can't rely on bullets to stop him which is why Jess is going to have to try and get through to him to calm him down. We can't trust that he'll be willing to listen and our team is not strong enough to stop him so I had to call in back up"

"That's good right?" Hunter questioned Coulson but he had a worried look on his face.

"This is the part where you all take a deep breath and give me time to explain..." As Coulson stopped talking the door behind us opened and footsteps echoed in the room. Everyone slowly started turning around looking as if they had seen a ghost. I forced myself to turn round to see the man I thought I'd never see again stand right before me. Ward stood there, staring right at me smiling. I could feel everyone slowly turn to me and their eyes pierced into me, expecting me to break down, freak out but I remained calm. I showed no sign of fear, disbelief or panic.

"Coulson! What the hell!?" Hunter shouted at him and even though I wanted to look at Coulson, I couldn't take my eyes off Ward. I couldn't turn my back on the enemy, especially since I've just found out that I didn't kill him.

"We need him to ensure that Jess is safe. She's our only hope of capturing the inhuman but if things Go south her life could be at risk. I know, we know that he will protect her. He's trained, he's strong-"

"And he's an ass" Daisy spat and my eyes lingered to Ethan who looked at me worried. He knew about Ward, I told him everything but he didn't know what Ward looked like, he's never seen him before.

"I'm only here to help" Ward stepped forwards and I instinctively stepped back. Ethan immediately stepped in front of me, protecting me from him as he saw my reaction. "You're new" Ward watched Ethan carefully. "And who might you be?"

"Ethan, and you?"

"Ward" As soon as Ethan heard his name he launched forwards but Mack quickly grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.

"Calm down! We're all feeling on edge, pissed off but we focus on the mission and we focus on Jessica's safety" Mack told him. Daisy approached me from the side and held my hand gently.

"Are you okay?" She whispered so only I could hear. I just nodded but my eyes were fixed on the enemy. I didn't want him near me, Coulson wasn't giving me a choice!

"Are you ready to be working together again Jess?" Ward asked but I remained quiet still. I Darent speak, I wasn't sure what would come out so I just glared at him.

"Jess?" Bobbi spoke up and I just walked straight past Ward and out of the room. I couldn't look at him any longer and I couldn't even look at Coulson. He knew he was alive, he knew I didn't kill him yet he hid that from me. I couldn't handle Ward being in my life again, I couldn't cope. I was just getting better, forgetting all about him and yet he comes into my life again.

I walked straight to my room and slammed it shut, punching the wall as tears fell down my face. I felt like a kid who was grounded but I had every right to storm off. Ward was back and he was going to destroy my life again! Just when I managed to get my emotions under control, get my head cleared of every memory that involved him he storms back in to destroy me again!

I heard banging on the door and I tried to blank it out. I could hear Ethan shout from the other side of the door but I needed to be alone. I couldn't get around the fact that Coulson betrayed me, he betrayed us all.

The banging stopped and the door slowly opened but I kept my back to it and let my Fists rest against the wall.

"I know that you're angry" I heard Coulsons voice and I clenched my Fists tight. "You have every right to be angry, especially at me" I swiftly turned around and glared at him with red puffy eyes.

"But you did it for my safety right!? He's going to kill me on the inside Coulson! I thought I killed him but you knew, oh you knew he wasn't dead"

"You iced him, I was going to send him off to the fridge to keep him locked up but he has valuable information about Hydra-"

"And he's willingly going to tell you that information?" I laughed at his stupidity.

"He wanted to see you in return for that information. I wasn't going to let that happen but then this inhuman came along and I knew we were too weak against him. Ward will and can protect you whilst you speak to him, we need him before Hydra captures him and turns him into a deadly weapon"

"And after the mission?"

"We still need that information" He looked at me sadly and my eyes dropped to the floor. I couldn't look at him because I knew what he wanted me to do.

"You want me to speak to him, find out. He won't talk Coulson" I whispered quietly as I sat down on my bed.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you but you're our only chance"

"Oh I feel flattered" I joked, feeling myself calm down a little. I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me and I couldn't let Ward get inside my head again. "I'll do the mission but if he tries anything, I'll shoot him and this time I'll make sure he's dead for good"

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