Part 14

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I felt extremely strange being out in the open again, especially when I saw around four corpses, face full of blood being taken away. There was only one survivor, the one I had to talk to without using my powers to get the information we needed. I was terrified, I couldn't screw up and I didn't know whether or not I could control my powers. I needed to though, I needed to prove to everyone that I was strong and that I could control it.

I watched as Daisy walked away from the victim who was sitting in the back of the ambulance. I wasn't sure why Hydra left him alive, maybe a warning for us? A message?

"Definitely an inhuman" She whispered, disappointment and fear washing over her. "The paramedics couldn't find any physical wounds"

"Why was there so much blood then?" I asked, trying to stay focused and controlled.

"Not sure, they need to examine the bodies. I think it's to do with pressure though" She whispered, looking down at the ground. "He's ready to talk to you" She pointed at the witness and I nodded slightly, taking a deep breath.

"I'll go with you, help you if you need it" Ward whispered so Daisy couldn't hear and I nodded at him, walking to the victim. Just looking at him I could see he was scarred for life, he was trembling, terrified of what he had seen and I didn't blame him. He couldn't comprehend what had happened, no physical violence was taken place and yet they all seemed to die apart from him. He probably couldn't understand what had happened, Shield can't but we'd soon find out.

"Hello" I whispered, stopping a few feet away from the man as he stared at me horrified. "I'm here with Shield-"

"Shield? You shouldn't have come!" He shook his head violently then stood up in a blur making Ward tense. "They mentioned you, they said you'd come here" 

"Who did?" I raised an eyebrow, watching him carefully as he looked around.

"They said they were called Hydra"

"What else did they say to you?" Ward asked and I raised my hand, gesturing him to keep quiet.

"What did you see first" I asked as the man sat down, curling up slightly.

"I was just out with some friends, having a good time after work. Then these guys turned up dressed in black, we could see guns on them but they never reached for them. One guy stepped forwards, smiling at us whilst raising his hand. He just curled his fist up and one of my friends dropped down dead! How is that even possible!?"

"Just try to calm down, I know it's hard, I know you've lost your friends but we need to find this man and stop him before he hurts anyone else" I whispered, sitting next to him but he shifted away.

"You don't understand. They wanted you here and once you got here, they were going to kill me!" He shouted and my heart skipped a beat. Surely they wasn't still here? Waiting for us? Surely they wasn't that stupid?

All of a sudden the man started choking, I shot up and examined him, trying to help him but it was like he was choking!? I looked around, trying to find someone to help but how could you help someone who was being choked by nothing?

Gun shots pierced my eardrums and Ward pushed me into the ambulance for cover. I laid low as I watched the man turn to me slowly, blood spilling out of all the holes in his face before he fell out of the ambulance and landed on the floor dead.

"The inhumans here" I whispered, "You're not safe!" I tried to get out of the ambulance but Ward held me down shaking his head.

"Neither are you. Stay here" He leaned out of the ambulance, shooting into the distance whilst I watched him. 

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