Part 5

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When we got back to the Base after a long but quiet car journey, Ray was put downstairs in the little cell room. I felt bad because he didn't want to be locked up but it was the only way. We'd help him like we helped the others, Daisy would make sure of that.

"You did a great job with Ray" Coulson praised me as he sat down in his chair. I stood at the desk, smiling a little bit.

"I did what I could" I shrugged.

"I think he'd like to speak to you some more" I stared at him confused, he wanted to speak to me? Normally they're too focused on Daisy and controlling their powers to speak to me. "We found out that he gets angry easily and you seemed to calm him down quickly, he told Daisy he was very thankful for that"

"I'll see him again" I nodded and looked at Coulson worried, "But first I have to speak to Ward right?"

"Yes. Unfortunately because we only have one cell that's occupied, we can no longer keep Ward there. Which only means we're going to have to give him a room" Coulson sighed and I stared at him annoyed.

"Wow, he's really becoming apart of the team now huh?" He shot me A deadly glare and I sighed nodding slightly. "Right, I'm sorry. You hate this as much as we do. If it's okay, I'm going to grab a coffee before I speak to him" He kept quiet and just nodded at me, dismissing me. I walked out of the room and turned the corner bumping straight into Ward who stood there smiling slightly.

"You should really watch where you're going" He joked and I stared at him. This was the first time I'd speak to him on my own. It was just me and him, a one on one. I wasn't prepared, my nerves and emotions were creeping through the wall I built. "Jess?" His expression changed to a worried one as I realised I began shaking.

"You should watch where you're...Standing" I shook my head at my own response and started walking, that was pathetic. He grabbed my arm and kept me still. "Do not touch me" I snapped quickly, pulling my arm away. "Last time you did that, I shot you"

"I forgive you" He whispered and I stared at him confused. He can forgive? He was capable of forgiving? Actually, It took me off guard. "You told me that I had to forgive and forget to become stronger, so I will" 

"So you're going to forget me?" I tilted my head at him slightly and he chuckled slightly.

"I could never do that" He stepped forwards and I stepped back quickly, it was my first reaction just like when I saw him for the first time in Coulson's office. "I won't hurt you Jess"

"You say that but you being here, just knowing you're here hurts me inside" I told him shaking my head. "Look, I need to get some coffee. I need to speak to you after" I began walking but he soon appeared next to me.

"We can talk during" I wanted to punch him, I wanted to punch a wall, anything to release the anger pent up inside of me. He was already getting to me and he hasn't been here long. I felt like he wasn't going to leave me alone!

"Let me cut straight to the point. What's Hydra up to?" I asked and he smiled as we walked to the canteen. Lincoln and Daisy was in there, staring at us. I gestured them to go and with hesitation, they left.

"How do you like your coffee?" He asked, gesturing me to sit at the counter. I sat down slowly and sighed, trying to keep calm again.

"White, two sugars" 

"Sugar? You're sweet enough as it is" He flashed me a smile and I stood up quickly.

"If you're going to be like that then I'll go. We can forget speaking" He walked over with his hands up in defence nodding.

"I'm sorry, I'm just used to you being jokey" I sat down slowly and he went back to making me a coffee. "You've changed Jess"

"The bad things in life change you for the better" I glared at him even though he couldn't see, His back was to me.

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