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"Get back here witch!" Screamed my dear friend Ryan.

"Gotta catch me first!" I yell back, as we were both running through the thick woods.

There was traps everywhere around us and I knew he was trying to direct me into one.

I smirked when I saw the thin trip wire. I quickly casted a spell causing it too snap and me continue running.

I heard Ryan scream in frustration. I laughed aloud, knowing that would really get on his nerves.

I could sense his pace catching up to mine, meaning he was either really mad now and pumping it into his running or I was slowing down.

I took a deep breath and started to run faster, not wanting to be killed by this hunter.

I had heard what he did to witches before they died. He brutally tortures them, then ties them to a stake and burns them like his ancestors did before him.

He used to not be this mad and hateful. The story goes that when he was young, he didn't want to kill witches. He wanted to stop the feud between the races but tragedy struck.

When he was 13, his parents, grandparents and sister were killed by witches.

Since then he has had a fury to kill every single one of us.

That's how the story goes.

I see that there is a trap near-by and decide to run straight for it. I'm gonna get his ass stuck in his own trap.

The trap looks to be a net, that if you step on it, you'll fly up in the air, stuck in the net. It was covered by leaves and twigs.

Humans, I tell you. Think they can trick witches.

I smirk to myself and swiftly jump over the trap quickly turning around to see Ryan try to jump over and catch me.

I pushed him mid air which caused him to fall directly onto the net. I laughed as I watched him shoot into the air, around 6 or 7 ft high.

"Fucking witch! I'll get you!" He screamed as he pulled out his knife. I laughed again, starting to run away from him.

I was sprinting fast, running towards town. I wasn't welcomed in town because of being a witch. Ryan and his buddies made sure of that.

So when I got close enough, I darted up a tree, just in time too.

Ryan came bolting down the small hill that welcomed you into the town.

I held my breath, not making a sound as I see him look for me frantically. He yells in frustration and walks into town, kicking the dirt.

I sigh and sit on the branch I was standing on.

He has gotten good.

But he isn't better than me.

I send a telepathic message to the head witch of our coven, letting her know that I outran him.

The coven was practising rituals when the hunters struck trying to kill us. We all ran in different directions, meaning we were all being chased by the goddamned hunters.

Thank god! We've got two injured but we are all good. Meet back at the house in 15 minutes.

I nodded absentmindedly, and started to play with my jewellery as I waited for the minutes to pass.

I wonder what's for dinner tonight.


Picture of melody at the top

-Jenna 🕷

A Book Of Spells Will Always Get You BurntWhere stories live. Discover now