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"Girls, c'mon! We need to speak with Maria!" I shouted at the rest of my coven. I was naturally bossy, so being the leader of this coven felt right to me.

Since the capturing of Melody, I haven't let my coven out of my sight. We all travel together or stay together at home.

The twins are much better and are definitely gaining a lot of their strength back.

I stood outside waiting for the girls as I watched my surroundings. I don't know if the hunters are still after us. They have a witch so do they continue hunting?

Soon all the girls were outside and were all wearing there assigned cloaks. We wore these cloaks to hide our identity so we wouldn't be caught. We were traveling through town today. Anyone smart enough could capture us.

We began our trek to town and I mind messaged Devin, letting him know we were going to town.

Good choice, the hunters and I are going through the woods looking for you guys. Be safe.

I nodded absentmindedly as the sound of horses and children's laughter filled my ears.

We were heading to town to speak with an elder witch. Her name is Maria and she resides in the whore house. Thanks to Maria, that's how we found Melody.

The whore house was coming into view. It was on the outskirts of town and very prominent in its dark red colour. It stood out in the town. Everything else was creme or beige. Very bland.

I marched into the building, the girls that worked here knowing who we were. We walked straight up to the top floor and walked through Maria's office door.

She sat at her desk, smoking from a hookah. Her hooded eyes met our presence and she smiled.

"Ah, my favourite ladies in all the land. How can I help you today?"she asked as she gestured for us to sit.

The twins walked over to the hookah and grabbed a pipe and sat smoking with Maria.

I swear they only come to see Maria just to smoke.

"Melody has been captured" I say to Maria in a sullen voice. Her expression saddens immediately. She is like a mother to Melody, heading that she has been captured must be breaking her heart.

"How long has she been missing?" Maria asked. I sighed and thought about. My mind is hazy, everything has been happening so fast, how long has she been gone?

"Three days" Alice spoke up. I'm glad she said. I was afraid that I would have no answer.

"What are you guys going to do?" Maria said standing up. She stood next to the window and looked out into the town. She pursed her lips in thought almost.

"We don't know, all we can do is communicate with Devin" I say in a hopeless voice.

Maria turns towards us and walks back to her chair.

"Well there is your plan. Communicate with Devin, find out when they'll be gone, get Melody and that's it. Just time it right" Maria spoke. She's right. We do have a plan now.


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