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"RYAN!" I heard a loud scream, which made me awake from my slumber. Six months or so has passed since I've seen Melody.

Six or seven months have passed and there was no trace of the girl haired witch. It's like when she left, a piece of me was taken. I never cared for Antone like I did for her.

"Ryan?" I heard Ghost ask, my red haired friend looked at me with concern.

"Hm?" I respond while sitting down outside of the very castle I tortured Melody in while letting out a puff of smoke.   

"Do you miss her?" He asks me and I look at him,

"Yes I do." I say.

"Is she safe at least?" That's all I wanted to know, if she was safe and alright.

"Yes she is. Tell me Ryan, why did you stop the witch hunt?" Ghost asks.

"I stopped them.... because I'm in love with her. I miss her, going into the dungeon and seeing that mope of green hair." I say, then look at him.

"But I've lost her!" I say.

"RYAN!" I heard someone scream my name, I shot up.

"Ghost! I keep hearing her scream my name!" I yell.

Ghost looks over at me and sighs, "You're both connected to each other through flesh and blood." He says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means you're connected through mind, body and spirit." He says.

"Where is she?" I ask him.

Ghost looks at me sadly, "When the time is right, you'll find each other."

"No please Ghost don't do this to me, I want her back." I plead with him.

"There's something else she didn't tell you, she's with child." He says.

"Whose child?" I demand to know.

"I've already said too much!" Ghost says and walks away.

I decide to take a walk around, the whole town was in an unrest state of mind.

The whorehouse seemed very quiet, the burgundy house stood out against every beige building, I needed a drink from there.

I walk inside and there was unrest inside as girls were rushing around trying to help out. I saw the stage where Melody danced, the first time she dragged me to the room and we kissed.

"Hi handsome can I help you?" A girl with half red and black hair appeared before me. She was gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as Melody.

"I don't want sex alright! I just want to talk." I mutter.

"No there's something troubling you? Tell me is it a woman?" She asks.

"Well actually a witch I had hostage, I'm in love with her. Did she put under a spell? No I really miss her." I whisper.

"Love can kill us all." She says, I nod with a sad smile.

"RYAN! HELP!" I heard the voice yell at me again and I shot up.

"I'm sorry I must go!" I say, her voice screamed out to me.


Maria gave me a message that Melody was in labour, I rush out of the mansion.

"Where are you going?" Chris asks me.

"There's an emergency and I'm needed!" I tell him, I left the house and into the woods while I chant a spell and I arrived.

I saw Melody in bed in labour, as the contractions came.

"Mel!" I yell and she looks at me, with her blue eyes. 

"Ghost!" Mel says while screaming, while I rush over to hold.

"Does he know that I'm with child!" She demands.

"No, he doesn't know." I say, while I cup her face.

"I wish he could be here." She whispers softly under her breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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