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I watched Melody walk with Delilah, I stood with Balz keeping an eye out for witches. I sent her a message mentally, telling her to pull on her hood of her cloak.

"Devin do you see anything?" Balz asks me.

"No!" I whisper, as I sent a blessing toward her. Killing my own kind was the hardest thing possible. Melody was like a little sister to me. The whole circle was.

As I saw Delilah and Melody disappear into town.

"Ghost Chris is calling a meeting and he needs us." Balz says. I decide to follow him quietly. I just hoped the Balcoin coven would be safe.

But Ryan didn't know the truth about his family's murder; it wasn't the Balcoin clan that did. It was the Blackwell coven, the coven of the east. The darkest witches ever to exist to mankind.

They used voodoo, black magick and curses. The head witch was so dark that she had sacrificed her soul to the devil.

"Ah finally you two are here!" Chris says darkly. "Yes sir." We both said.

I saw Ryan standing there with a cold expression, he wasn't always like this. His eyes held no emotion, the only thing that was visible was revenge and anger.

"Did you see any witches?" He asks me. "No, none!" Balz answers.

I sighed mentally, I was always nervous about that.

'Melody your safe for now!' I thought to myself.

"In case anymore witches are found, we need to gather our forces and train!" Chris says to us.

I could see Ryan was agitated, as I decided to stick around. I felt a smirk on my face.

Balz, Ricky and Chris walk out talking about tactics and trainings. The thing that Ryan didn't know was that him and Melody were connected. Their connection was a powerful one.

"Why do I feel so connected to her?" He asks me. "I don't know." I whisper. "Well your a warlock you must know." He says to me.

"No, I can't!" I whisper, as I walk away from him. "I haven't used my powers in a long time." I say.

I could still hear their screams echoing in my head, as they were burned alive and drowned. I was haunted by their screams and pleas of help.

Ryan walks away with his boots clicking. My head was hurting, I was itching to use my powers.

I stood in front of the woods that I was remembering running through, as fires were lit and we used to dance around the flames.

Back then everything was different, no one was afraid of witches and we were all equals. All of this for what.

Revenge? My own family was slain in front of me by dark witches. I was marked by them. I met the Balcoin coven and they healed me from the venom that flowed within me.

Melody nursed me to health, and I would always be grateful to her, she was someone I can trust.

"Ah Ghost!" I hear a voice behind me, I spun around and saw Ricky standing next to me.

"Why are you here?" Ricky asks, as I looked at the burnt house that was my house.

"Remembering my childhood! The time where witches and mortals got along." I said with a sigh.

"Well we have to kill them!" Ricky says.

"Of course." I say, as the wind blew through my half white and black hair.

"I will avenge you mother, father and Juliet! One day I promise." I say.


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