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"Did you catch her?" My leader Chris asks, as I growl under my breath. I felt angry as fuck.

"No!" I growl, as I threw my black onyx dagger onto the ground.

"But admit it, there is something you admire about her." Chris says, his black velvet cloak swished around him.

He chuckled darkly, "You can laugh all you want!" I mutter with a scowl. "Seriously Ryan! Lighten up!" Chris mocks.

"Lighten up?" I demand, as I took off these heavy weapons and leather belt.

"They butchered my whole entire family in front of me when I was thirteen! My poor innocent sister slain in front of me!" I growl.

"There's something you admire about her though?" Chris asks.

"It's her ability to live!" He says.

"There's nothing you can do Ryan! Your mother would want you to be happy!" Chris says.

"I won't rest until I kill them all, they all deserve death! Slow and painful!" I say with anger.

"That's good to hear Sitkowski! Where in the world is Horror and Balz! They're late for the meeting!" Chris says.

On cue Ricky and Balz walk in covered in blood, they were grinning with victory.

"Had a good kill?" I ask.

"Yes! It was a good one!" Ricky smirks.

"Still haven't killed the green haired witch?" Balz asks.

"She always outsmarts me, that fucking wench!" I growl with anger.

"You'll get her soon, and she'll never know!" Balz says with an evil smirk.

When I get my hands on Melody La Fay, she'll fear me! She'll not know what has hit her. When it comes to witches. I'm ruthless. I'll avenge my family!

But at the same time, there was something that bewitched me about Melody, she could put up a good chase. Her ability to live was intriguing to me.

I remember the time when I was thirteen before my family were slain. I wanted to stop the feud between humans and witches.

But that was when my life took a turn, my family was slain. I decide to roam around her village. I walk around, fear was written on their faces.

Fear of witches! Fear of death! Only faith in God could save us all. Kids were forbidden to go into the forest and play.

I could hear a little girl saying, "I want to kill witches, they deserve death!" She says. She seemed around the age of four. Her mother taught her well.

Nightfall was approaching, I decided to go up to the watch tower and keep a look out. I rub my temple, feeling a headache take over me.

Melody La Fay! My hate for her was strong but at the same time. Albeit there is something about her that intrigues me. I think it's her will to live!

"Still thinking about her, aren't you?" I hear a quiet voice asked behind me. As I lung out, Devin stood there. Well we nicknamed him Ghost. He was quiet and appeared out of nowhere.

As a punishment Ghost had to become a hunter like. I knew he hated killing his kind. I could see it in his eyes, the pain was visible.

"No!" I say, as I stood up and look out.

"Just so you know, not every witch is evil! Only the ones who truly abuse their powers Sitkowski!" Ghost says, as he walks away leaving me to my thoughts.

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