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I was sweating and out of breath as Alice and I stood behind a tree hiding. We were practicing our defence spells on each other.

Elizabeth was standing in the middle of a circle of trees with a crossbow in hand.

We were all hiding, excluding the twins, they were healing at home.

I peered out from behind the tree to see Elizabeth with her back turned, walking towards where I saw Delilah run.

I saw this as my chance to tag her with my attack spell. All it would do is paralyse her for 15 seconds. It was a handy spell I would use on Ryan sometimes if he was catching up.

I crept up behind her and casted the spell, causing her to freeze in her place. Alice and Delilah came out from hiding after I said I got her but something happened.

The hunters.

All 6 of them came out from behind the trees, cornering the four of us. You could see the hunger in their eyes.

Elizabeth was still paralysed and wouldn't move. 15 seconds have been up right? Why won't she move?

We surrounded her and faced the hunters with panic on our faces.

"We've got you now" said Ryan. I glared at him immediately.

"No you don't" and with that we started to cast spells while protecting Elizabeth.

The hunters ran and hid behind trees again, but started to shoot at us with their weapons.

An arrow came flying across and hit Alice in the foot. She screamed in pain and stopped casting spells. Delilah and I stopped to look but that was a mistake. The hunters came out from hiding, charging at us.

Elizabeth had finally unfrozen herself and shot an arrow at one of the members. Their leader Christopher to be exact. She shot him in the shoulder.

That distracted the hunters enough for us to start running; well most of us, Alice just limped. We stayed as a group this time.

I was behind Delilah and Elizabeth, helping Alice making sure she isn't left behind. I could feel Ryan catching up to me.

Delilah get Alice! I'll hold them off!

Delilah quickly grabbed Alice and the three kept running while I turned around and began shooting.

I managed to paralyse their members Richard and Vinny while Ryan kept dodging my attacks. I saw Devin and Chris a few meters back, Devin helping Chris get the arrow out.

I shot a spell at Ryan that he dodged before he charged at me with full force. I couldn't cast a spell fast enough, causing him to tackle me to the ground.

I kicked and screamed trying to push him off as he tried to knock me out with a special sedative witch hunters were given that would weaken us greatly.

I saw Richard and Vinny unfreeze and run over to where we were, instantly coming to help Ryan. They held me down as I screamed some more.

"Goodnight you worthless wench" Ryan said as I felt myself weaken.

I felt paralysed as they all smirked down at me, Chris and Devin coming into view. Devin had tears in his eyes as he watched his "friends" lift me up to bind my hands together and my feet together.

I was thrown over Ryan's shoulder and carried away to a carriage where I was thrown in the back, probably about to be transferred to their torturing palace.

I tried to send out a telepathic message but I don't know if it would work. I needed to let the girls know. I need them to know that I've been captured.

Maybe Devin will.

God I hope so.


Jenna 🕷

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