Chapter 1

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~ 15 years later~


Its been firth teen years since Taurtis  left me for Grian and when I found out  I was pregnant with his baby.

Its been good and bad for me, the good thing is my dad helped me with my baby and the bad thing is I had to lie to her for many years... I hate it lieing  to my baby girl.

Today as her first day of middle school she's in 8th grade I wish people don't bully her like the other schools she was in.

"HONEY TIME FOR SCHOOL! "I yelled from down stairs "COMING MOTHER! "she yelled back. She walked down stairs with her uniform on I started to tear up "mom why are you crying? "she asked as she wiped my tears away "its just...... Your growing so fast"I sniffed she rolled her eyes "Taurissa Gladiator you didn't just roll your eyes "I said "I did so what? "she asked I growled just like her dad I miss taurtis okay and I still love him but his with Grian now.... I need to move on but I can't.

"come on honey your going to be late for your first day of school"I said as I smiled. She nodded and we walked to her school.

~skip time~

Once we made it I kissed taurissa on the cheek and she went in the school it was not that far  away from our house and the school was big I mean big.

I saw a lot of students out side of the school and I saw someone I never thought I'll see... Sookie  and soul.

"sam is that you? "Sookie asked "hey girls long time no see eh? "I asked them they nodded "how is it been? "soul asked "its been good I guess "I said "do you guys have kids already? "I asked "yup but we only have one her name is Sally"Sookie said "what about you? And what happen with you and taurtis? "soul asked "he left me for Grian.... And I was pregnant with his kid when he left... Now she's  in this school her name is taurissa "I said "oh... Am sorry I didn't mean t- " "oh its okay don't worry let's go eat something so we can catch up"I smiled they nodded.

We all headed to the restaurant to eat.
Its good to see old friends from the past.


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