Chapter 14

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~ next day ~

Karu POV

I was in my room looking at picture from the past with all of our familys together. I sigh I wish I can go back in time but.... I can't.

I heard the door open I turn around and it was her."what do you want? "I asked "have you found sam? "she asked "yes.... And he remembers me and haves the necklace on his neck the one I left in the bank "I said as I look at her"good now we need to kill him and his family that he haves"she smirked "what?! "I yelled.

"we are going to kill him and his family and friends "she said "bu-" "no butts mister but first we need to kidnaap that girl that sam haves "she said "you mean taurissa? "I asked "yes lets go find her and kidnap her"she said. I sigh and nodded and we both went to find her.

~ skip to 4:30 p.m~

I was waiting for taurissa to get out from school I saw all the students coming out and going with their parents to go home but finally I saw taurissa come out she was waiting for sam to get her.

I sneak behind her gladly noone saw me and I covered her mouth she was trying to tell for help but it was to  late she fainted. I carried her to my house.

Am so glad there was no one there.

~ skip time ~


I was waiting for taurissa to come but I couldn't see her. I was getting worried then I saw Sookie and soul sitting at the benches with their daughter I walk towards them "hey guys have you seen taurissa? "I asked " yeah I saw someone carrying her"Soul said "thank you I need to go"I said and ran to the police station.

I was running SOMEONE KIDNAP MY DAUGHTER! I NEED TO FIND HER AND SAVE HER!. I want running until I bumped into someone I look at the person it was Taurtis and Grian "whoa sam watch  out why are you in a hurry? "Grian asked "um. No time to explain "I said as push them out of the way and ran again. I heard them chasing me from behind.

I ran in the police station I was about to sat down on the chair until Taurtis grabbed my arms and make me look at him "Sam whats wrong? "he asked I  started to tear up he pull me into a hug. I cried into his chest "taury..... Someone.... Kidnap.... Our...... Daughter"I sobbed "WHAT?! "he yelled "SOMEONE KIDNAP TAURISSA! "I cried out "okay sam just clam down we will find taurissa "Taurtis hugged me tight but not that much just a little.

I sniffed "okay but I need to check the cameras"I went and sat down and check the cameras of the school outside.

I saw each of them but nothing but one nodded what I needed. I saw the whole tape..... I can't believe my eyes my own brother kidnapped her... Why?.

"sam who kidnapped her? "Grian asked they looking at  me  and I said "my brother kidnapped her.... And we need to save her I know what my brother will do to her... I need to save her now"I said "how we don't have uniforms? "taury asked I cough and pointed at  the police uniforms and guns.

They both look at each other and nodded and grabbed a uniform and gun and got ready.

Don't worry taurissa we are coming to save you.... Don't worry....


We meet again (Saurtis Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora