Chapter 1

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Los Angeles, CA. 9:52 PM 09/20/2016

*Liam's POV*

I'm lying in my bed at my hotel suite, looking at the roof. I spent a long day at the studio working on my debut solo single. I can't wait to release it and hear what everyone thinks about i-

My thoughts are interrupted when my phone vibrates on the night stand beside me. I roll over to grab it.

Zayn 9:53 PM says:

Hey Liam, how have you been?

I smile when I see his text.

Liam 9:53 PM says:

Not too bad, you?

Zayn 9:54 PM says:

I've been missing you a lot. Can't wait to see you again.

Liam 9:55 PM says:


I hit send just when Cheryl walks in the room, her hair wet from a shower. I quickly shut my phone off and put it away.

She sits down on the bed and leans over to kiss me. I let her. "You wanna go out?" She asks, getting up.

"I think I'll just stay in tonight, long day at the studio."

"Yeah, I can understand. Well, I'm going out with some friends, I'll be leaving soon. Sure you don't wanna come love?" I nod, making a pouty face. She winks over her shoulder as she walks back to the bathroom. I hear the door close, and her hair dryer starts running.

I quickly grab my phone again to see if he replied.

Zayn 9:58 PM says:

New music?

Liam 9:58 PM says:

The first one is just for you ;)

I roll onto my back , once again getting lost in the depths of my hotel room's roof.



2011 London, England.

"I can't believe we are releasing our first single tomorrow," Harry says, leaning back in his chair pushing his plate away from him.

"I can't believe we're releasing anything at all," Niall laughs, still eating. I run my hands through my hair.

"This still feels like a dream though," I say, and Zayn looks at me. "I never thought I would ever get this far. Our first song."

"You deserve it Liam," Zayn says. "You all do," he quickly adds. "We worked so hard for this."

"That's right boys. Lets celebrate. Party all night for the heck of it," Louis jokes, dancing in his chair. Harry starts laughing, and Niall joins in.

I laugh, and look down at my plate. This is so amazing. I can't believe I am part of something like this. I shake my head to myself.

"What are you thinking about?" Zayn whispers, nudging me.

"I can't believe this is my life. Zayn, we are about to release a song." I smile at him.

"That's right," he says, turning away. "The first one's just for you," I hear him say quieter, as he smiles to himself.


Los Angeles, CA. 10:13 PM. 09/20/2016

I smile at the memory.

I hear the bathroom door open, and Cher runs out. "How's my hair?" She asks quickly.

"Looks great love."

"Liam, have you seen my red dress anywhere?"

"In the closet, I'm sure."

"Thanks love." She runs over and kisses me, then runs to the closet.

I check my phone again, anxious for another text. Sure enough;

Zayn 10:10 PM says:

Looking forward to hearing it.

Smiling again, I put my phone away. Cheryl comes out the closet wearing a short red party dress with a jean jacket over it. I swear, that woman changes like a speed demon. I get off the bed and walk over to her.

She turns around in front of me. "You look stunning love," I say, putting my hands on her hips. She kisses me once more before grabbing her purse off the dresser.

"I love you," She says before walking out the door.

I brush my fingers against my lips, thinking about the kiss. Not that one. Many others. I walk into a separate room, looking out the large window, thinking about all of them. The stolen ones, the good ones.

The first one's just for you, I hear Zayn's voice echo in my head again.

Those ones.

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