Chapter 13

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Los Angeles, CA. 10/24/16.


I've been back in L.A for a week now. That writing trip to London was a bust. I spent most of my time trying to write music but it kept coming out as love songs that were clearly for another guy. Which would have been fine, if Zayn agreed to come out. But he hasn't yet. So most of my time was spent with the rest of the guys, which was just as good. Once the awkwardness between Louis and I cleared up, we had a great time. But then Niall had to go to New York and Louis had to fly out to L.A, so I did too.

We never hang out much in L.A. Too many cameras everywhere.

I call up some mates to see f they can come over, but everyone is busy. I sigh and slump down onto my couch when my phone starts ringing. It's Cheryl.

"Hey," I say when I answer.

"Hey Liam. I'm coming back today. Will you be at the airport?" She sound excited for some reason.

"How about I get some food and meet you here."

"Oh, ok. For sure."

"Sounds good."

"Oh and Liam. I have some news." The excitement in her voice rises.

"I can't wait." I try to sound as excited as possible. She hangs up, and I set my phone down.

I think I can already guess what the news is. She thinks I don't know, but she just confirmed it. She has been excited about this for awhile and by the sound in her voice, I can tell that I am right. Cheryl is pregnant.


I pace back and forth in front of the T.V with a beer in my hand. How could I let this happen?

"Damn it," I say out loud, running my hand through my hair. The first person I think to call is Zayn. Obviously. But I don't know what he will say. What if he decides that it's not worth it anymore. Or tells me to stay with Cheryl. I don't think I could handle that.

But I should tell him. I pick up my phone and I am about to dial his number when there is a knock on my door. I run over and open it. There is a delivery man holding a package.

"Package for Liam Payne?" He says.

"That's me."

He hands it to me. He looks at the paper. "No signature required."

"Uh- thank you." I say, and he walks away. I shut my door and sit down on the couch. The package is a small box without any return address on it. I quickly open it, revealing a small letter on top.

I think this one will look the best on you.

I expect you have a suit to go with it?


Underneath is another piece of paper. I pick it up, and notice it's a ticket. To the New York Halloween Masquerade Ball. A smile starts to creep onto my face as I open the box. Inside lays a black mask.

I smile as I lift it out of the box. Looks like I'm going to a ball. I walk over to a mirror and put the mask on. No one could tell it was me.

I get to go out with Zayn. In public.

Remembering that Cheryl is coming home, I quickly pull the mask off and tuck it back in the box. I put the ticket with it and look for somewhere to hide it.

I open my suitcase and put it in. I fold some clothes and put them on top. I zip the suitcase shut, and walk back to the living room. And then I remember my phone sitting on the table. I was about to call Zayn.

I pick it up. I have to call him. I have to tell him about Cheryl.

Would it be a bad idea if I waited until after the Ball? I don't want to ruin this for him. I really badly want to do this with him. All I've wanted is to go out on an actual date with the man I love, and now is my chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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