Chapter 4

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Los Angeles, CA. 7:34 AM. 09/22/16

*Liam's POV*

I grab a cup of coffee and walk over to the large window in the kitchen. I look out over the city of L.A as I drink, trying to wake myself up. Cheryl is still asleep, and I don't want to wake her just yet. I had to get up to go the studio today, but I think I might cancel. She is leaving L.A today and I should probably spend the rest of the day with her.

My phone vibrates on the kitchen counter.

Niall! has joined the groupchat. 23s.

I laugh. Niall always joins first. I slide my phone open, and enter the chat.

Liam has joined the groupchat. 10s.

Niall! says: Liam! How r u m8?

Liam says: Tired :P

My phones vibrates again.

Louist has joined the groupchat. 3s.

Niall! says: Louis hey!

Louist says: Hai guys. Wheres h?

Liam says: Harry always waits 4ever to join :D

Niall says: I got big news but we gotta wait for him

Louist says: XD

I wonder what kind of news Niall could have. What, is he a dad too? Nah, it's probably golf related. I leave my phone on the counter and put my empty cup in the sink. I pull up a bar stool at the counter and sit down when my phone vibrates.

Harry_ has joined the groupchat. 2s.

Harry_ says: I'm here whats up

Niall! says: R u ready ?

Louist says: Just tell us already

Niall! says: im releasing a song in a few days

Harry_ says: No wayyy

Liam says: Thaats gr8 Neil

Louist says: Title?

Niall! says: its a surprisee

Harry_ says: What day??

Niall! says: im thinking the 29th

Liam says: Cant wait to hear it

Niall! says: Do u guys think Zayn will hear it?? Im kinda proud of it and I still wanna share it with him

Louist says: who even knows what Zayn does anymore

Harry_ says: he'll probably hear it but he won't say anything

Louist says: Ya X(

Liam says: He might.

Louist says: Haha

Liam says: What

Louist says: We know that your still buds with Z

Harry_ says: Li it's fine but Z doesn't want anything to do with the rest of us

Liam says: Oh

Niall! says: Anyway moving on. Make sure to listen for my song :3 and don't tell anyone

Louist says: We will and we won't. Are you doin any promo for it

Niall! says: No i wanna see how it goes without it. Plus ive had 0 time with all the preparation for the ryder cup

Louist says: Ya hear that liam, niall beat you

Liam says: :))

Harry_ says: Did I tell you guys about my magazines

Louist says: No!

Niall! says: Noo

Harry_ says: well I have some magazines

Louist says: Thats all ur gonna say ??

Harry_ says: Yep

Liam says: I gtg guys ttyl

Liam has left the groupchat.

I shut my phone off. I kind of just don't want to talk anymore. I haven't heard any of the other guys say something nice about Zayn for a long time and I'm not going to be OK with it. I am really proud of Niall though. His first solo.

I look at the time. Its almost 8:00. I should wake Cheryl noe though. She's going back to Newcastle, UK for a month. She wanted to spend a little time in her home town for a while, which I understand. I'll be alone for awhile here, but that's OK.

I walk into the bedroom and she is still sound asleep. She is beautiful when she sleeps. She is always beautiful. I wish I could love her the way she loves me. I also wish I could tell her that that's impossible.

Shaking my head, I walk over to the side of the bed. "Cheryl," I whisper. I shake her shoulder a bit. "Cheryl," I say again.

She opens her eyes and rolls over to face me. "What time is it?" She murmurs.

"Time to get up, you have to catch that plane at 3." I bend over to kiss her.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Liam," she whispers against my mouth. She pulls me onto to bed and kisses me again.

"I'm gonna miss you too," I say, breaking the kiss and getting up again.

"Liam, is something wrong?"

Yes. I hate leading you on like this. You don't deserve this. "No. I'm just going to miss you love." She sits up and pulls the covers off herself, turning so her legs hang off the bed.

"I'll only be gone a month. If your not too busy in the studio, why don't you come for a visit? My mam always likes seeing you." She smiles up at me hopefully.

"Maybe. We'll see. It's gonna be a pretty busy month. I think we might do some promo and photshoots and stuff."

"OK love. Well if you do wanna come, feel free." She gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. I go back to the kitchen and get some more coffee, checking my phone as I sit down. It looks like the rest of them are still talking.

I don't join back in, I just drown my sorrows in this coffee, asking myself when everything became so complicated.

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