Chapter 2

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Los Angeles, CA. 9:53 AM. 09/21/16.

*Liam's POV*

I wake up to bright sun rays shining in my eyes. I roll over, and see Cheryl has gotten out of bed already.

"Liam, you woke up," she says, standing by the open curtains. "I swear, if I wouldn't have woken you, you would have slept all day."

"Good morning love." I smile up at her.

"Good morning to you too." She smiles back. "Sleep good?"

"Yeah," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Thought so. You were talking in your sleep a lot."

"Oh? What was I saying."

"It was kind of hard to understand. You kept saying 'I love you.' over and over again." She winks at me.

"I must have been dreaming about you then love." I wasn't. I am lying. She walks over to the bed and pulls the covers off of me.

"You have to get up now. We have lunch reservations for 12:00." I groan, and sit up. She sits on my knees and kisses me. "Get dressed."

I stumble out of bed and over to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I let out a breath. I forgot we were going out today. I've got to get my smile ready, I'm sure the paparazzi will be waiting for us.

But that's what they need right? The pictures. So they don't ask questions.

I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. I'm a mess. I was tossing in my sleep a lot last night. Must have been some dream.


I walk out of my changing room, and Cheryl is waiting for me. "You ready?" She asks.

"Of course love. Let's go then, I think the car is waiting." She wraps her arm around mine, and I hold her hand. A position so familiar neither of us think about it. We walk down the stairs, to the lobby, where 3 body guards are already waiting. I nod my head as we walk by them, and they follow behind us. We get into the limo outside the parking lot, and it starts driving.

"Oh do you think we will be getting pictures taken this time?" Cheryl complains.

"Probably. Aren't we always getting pictures taken," I laugh, and she nudges me with her elbow.

"I know. But it would be nice for once if we weren't."

"I know what you mean. But it doesn't work that way." I rub my thumb against the back of her hand. I look out the window as the car zooms past the inner part of LA, getting lost in my thoughts.



London, 2011.

"Do you think we will get mobbed this time," Niall asks as we are getting ready to leave the Red or Black studio. We had just finished singing What Makes You Beautiful live for the first time. The adrenaline is still rushing through my veins. I don't think it will ever stop.

"Of course we will. We just bloody sang live! They'll love that," Louis says, tilting to bump Niall with his shoulder.

"But wasn't that great guys? Just wait until we get to do that in a stadium. In front of 10's of thousands of people," Harry says, awestruck.

"It was pretty amazing. Good vibe," Zayn adds, without much emotion.

"And I can't wait to watch it when it comes on the telly," I say excitedly.

"I was quite nervous during my solo though, could you tell?" Harry asks.

"Only a little, mate. You were great," I assure him. Zayn puts his hand on Harry's shoulder, comforting him.

We walk until we meet a group of body guards at the exit. "Stay close, don't leave the the group, don't get to close the fans. Quite a large group this time." One of them says quickly, monotone. One opens the doors, and ushers us out.

As we walk out the door, the booming sound of screaming people fill our ears. We are used to this now, but it always startles me. Beside me, I feel Zayn grab my arm. "Stay close?" He whispers quickly.

"Sure mate," I whisper back.


Los Angeles, CA. 11:42 AM. 09/21/16

"Liam, what are you thinking about love?" Cheryl asks, rubbing my arm.

I quickly look at her and smile. "Not much." I laugh, and then I kiss her. She kisses me back, leaning into me.

She breaks the kiss, and then looks at me. "Well whatever it was, it sure made you smile." For a second her smile fades, but she quickly pulls it back.

The car stops in front of our restaurant. Our guards get out first, followed by us. Sure enough, 5 or so men with cameras start calling our names, and snapping pictures. I hold Cheryl at the waist, and paste a big smile on my face. Sometimes at the ground, sometimes at her.

I hope they all get some good ones, it is for them after all.

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