Chapter 11

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Los Angeles, CA. 10/10/16. 6:23 A.M.


I arrive at the airport right on time. I am flying out to London today and I am going to start doing some actual recording. For the past week and a bit I've just been working on some song ideas to try and calm my mind down. I have been thinking about Zayn a lot lately.

I hop out of the car, walk to the trunk, and pull out my suitcase. With an entourage of people around me, I walk through the airport and board my plane.


London. 10/10/16.

When I arrive in London, there my car is waiting for me. I breathe in the air, so happy to be back home. After getting off the plane, I am happy to see that there are no cameras out. I walk relaxed to my car, and hop in the drivers side.

I pull out of the airport parking lot, and start driving. I am heading over to Niall's house to hang out with him a bit. I haven't seen him for awhile so I thought it would be nice. And it's even nicer that there are no paps following me, so it will be private. I know the fans want to see us all together but we want to have a time away from it all. That's what the break was supposed to be about, anyway.

While I am driving, my thought are everywhere. I'm thinking about Cheryl, Zayn, One Direction. Everything that I could possibly be thinking about, I am. I just wish Zayn was with me. With me always. I can always tell him everything I need to. He always listens. And in a stressful time like now, I just wish he was sitting beside me in this car.


I pull up to Niall's house, and get out of the car. I walk up his long sidewalk and let myself in the front door.

"Niall?" I call.

"Liam," He says walking out from his kitchen. "Whats up mate?" He pats me on the shoulder and we walk into his living room. "It's good to see you again." He smiles.

"You too. So how've you been?"

"Extremely busy. Who knew there were so many radio stations." He laughs.

"Ah, your used to it. Can't be much different from being in the band."

"Oh but it is. I have to answer all the questions."

I laugh, and take a seat on his couch. He runs over to a mini fridge on the other side of the room and pulls out two beers.

"Thanks," I say as he hands me one.

"So whats up?"

"Gonna be heading over to the studio later. Have to start doing some actual work now."

"When do you plan on getting your single out?"

"Oh not for awhile. Maybe mid November?"

"Oh, so you've got lots of time then."

I nod, grabbing a bottle opener off of the coffee table.

"Whats on your mind, mate?" Niall asks me.

I look at him. "Everything."

Niall doesn't say anything, so I just keep talking. "This break was supposed to be about us relaxing and trying our own thing. But it's been kind of hard for me. I am enjoying working on some solo music, but I really kind of.... want the break to end."

He slowly nods his head. "I can understand. It's too bad you haven't been enjoying the break though. I think the rest of us are."

"I know. It's stupid. I just miss not being around you guys all the time." When I had them around me, they could distract my mind from Zayn. Now, I don't have that anymore.

"We all miss you too. In fact, Louis and Harry are in London right now. Why don't we call them up?"

I smile. "Sounds good."

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